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10 Fun Virtual Alumni Event Ideas to Kick-off the New School Year

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January 25, 2024

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Now more than ever, campus communities require a gathering space. Many higher education officials and school event organizers seek new methods to engage the students digitally as many institutions move events from in-person to online settings in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Student affairs administrators and student organization leaders are looking for new ways to connect their communities, manage their groups effectively and efficiently from afar, develop social engagement as well as two-way communication strategies, and bring empowering interactive virtual events to an unexpectedly remote community. We are here to assist your organization in creating unique, remote-inclusive events and reestablish member ties and communication. Here are 10 fun virtual alumni event ideas to kick off the new school year:

TikTok competition

Participate in the TikTok fun by generating materials for an existing TikTok competition or establishing your challenge and recruiting kids from your school to participate. Create a hashtag for any of them to follow on TikTok and share on your university community platform.

Create a video lesson for a group

Make the most of this opportunity to showcase your skills or knowledge! Invite members of your group to create and submit their own educational video to share something they’re passionate about with the rest of the community. Make a short video instruction of your favorite cuisine, workout, or guitar lesson and post it to the group feed. Here are some other ideas – Teach self-defense techniques, create a time-lapse film of yourself making art, give your senior piano recital, or prepare 3-minute presentation slides on your favorite subject. Create a video library for members to contribute to and access at any time.

Virtual field trip

Organize a virtual field trip around the interests of your group. It could be art, science, history, archeology, and more! Virtual museum tours are being offered by several of the world’s most prominent museums in order to share their magnificent treasures while also encouraging social distancing. As the group leader, all you have to do is set a deadline, establish a virtual field trip, and invite participants to join the tour at the same time or at their leisure. You could post and debate photographs and thoughts on your Group feeds, or you could set up a follow-up webinar to hold a conversation about the tour, depending on museum rules.

Online trivia contest

That music has a name! Fun trivia rounds will test the members of your party. Make your choice: sports, current events, politics, economics, history, music, cinema, or any other topic relevant to the aims and interests of your group. A reward for the winner and winning group will go a long way toward increasing participation!

Just choose a day  & time for your event and get everything ready. Share a  link with registered users and divide them into teams at random, based on the number of participants. Allow each squad to choose their own name & captain (who will be submitting answers).

Choose someone to host as well as MC the event & ask questions, then divide teams into break-out rooms alongside their teammates to talk privately. Teams are allowed 1 minute to come up with a solution which is then slacked to the scorekeeper by the team leader. The contestant who earns the most points receives a prize!

Virtual leadership development

Make a virtual version of an in-person training day for new student leaders, complete with films, readings, quizzes, and more. To verify that learning objectives are accomplished, and criteria are met, use the tracks and checklists tool.

Have a Netflix party

With the Chrome Extension, you can host a club movie night.  With the built-in chat, you can host a Netflix Party & watch a movie together.

Learn and lunch

Whether you’re preparing for an impending test, organizing an event with your team of officials, working on a collaborative project, or asking a professor or industry pro to deliver a presentation or lead a discussion group, gather your group members for an instructive BYOS session (Bring Your Own Snacks). You may customize your virtual gathering in any way you want: Coffee Talks, Lunch & Learns, Brown Bag Lunches, and Thirsty Thursday Happy Hours are all options. Students who already are missing on-campus life may become bored and restless, so be inventive and make things interesting, exciting, and engaging!

Collect and share volunteer opportunities

Volunteer and take on leadership positions in your community or online. Keep it local by assisting an elderly neighbor with food shopping or providing babysitting assistance to the family next door. Donate money, food, or time to local food banks; foster a shelter pet; volunteer with community programs or other philanthropic groups; or organize a fundraiser to assist struggling small businesses and displaced employees in your neighborhood.

Expand your reach: Look into remote volunteer opportunities like mentoring as well as tutoring children in your favorite topic, providing text-based help and support through a program like Crisis Text Line, or assisting the visually impaired with daily tasks through a program like Be My Eyes.

Photo competition

Allow students to share amusing and inspiring photographs with the entire school or a small group. Set a different theme every day or every week, such as pet photos, dorm-style door decorations, who is your quarantine clan (introduce family members, roommates, and your cat), or the tidiest workstations. Create a hashtag for everyone to submit to and follow on social media, and see which photo receives the most likes for a reward.

Collaborative group photo

During this period of confinement, ask each participant of your group to snap a picture of himself or herself or even with loved ones. To make a meaningful message, each member must write a letter or a phrase that you have determined collectively.  Assemble the components of your group puzzle and invite your participants to share the final creation.


In conclusion, as campus communities try to engage pending the total end of the coronavirus pandemic, groups can take advantage of these virtual alumni event ideas to make their alumni experience start strong in the upcoming school year.

Try taking a look at  Remo. We have many interactive features such as breakout rooms, polling, and round tables. We have a 14-day free plan if you’d like to try using the product before making a commitment.

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