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Airmeet Review: A Virtual Event Solution Review

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Hoyin Cheung

11 mins



July 16, 2024

A comprehensive review of Airmeet – a virtual event solution
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Communities and businesses face a common challenge when it comes to virtual events. The challenge of finding a virtual platform that balances deep engagement features with ease of use. This is where our Airmeet review steps in. Is this the one-stop solution you have been searching for? Let’s find out in this detailed review of the popular virtual event platform, Airmeet.

This review will cover key features Airmeet has to offer, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. We’ll also be introducing an alternative event solution, Remo, for you to compare and make the best decision for your upcoming event.


What is Airmeet?

Airmeet is an intuitive, all-in-one hybrid/virtual event platform for facilitating engaging and interactive online or networking events. This real-time event planning tool transforms how organizers host, attend, and oversee online events.

Airmeet focuses on providing engaging, intuitive and interactive online events and presentations. They achieve this with their social lounge (an array of virtual tables for group discussions), interactive Q&A sessions, and a virtual backstage for speakers.

Ease of access is also a top priority for Airmeet, the world’s first EXC (Event Experience Cloud). Users of this platform also enjoy excellent support for the management or seamless scaling of their large-scale hybrid/virtual events. Airmeet's immersive, high-quality audio and video competence, as well as strict security measures, makes this platform a valid option for organizers desiring to host large virtual or hybrid events.

Airmeet Pros & Cons

I’m sure all event organizers can agree that reviewing any product’s strengths and weaknesses are an important part of the decision making process. Especially if the goal is to find a virtual event platform that perfectly balances functionality, user experience, and engagement. So, this section focuses on the pros and cons of Airmeet.

Airmeet Pros

  • User-Friendly Interface: Airmeet has a sleek and intuitive interface that makes it easy for all event attendees to use, no matter how tech-savvy they may be. The streamlined experience that Airmeet offers ensures attendees can join sessions in order to participate in discussions or find their way around events. For this reason, the potential for technical difficulties reduces drastically alongside extensive support.
  • Great Support from Airmeet’s Team: Like Remo, Airmeet is also respected for having a team that helps event organizers plan and implement their ideas. They will help you troubleshoot any issue that arises until a solution is attained that makes your virtual event a resounding success. They also offer live support through chat and a virtual support lounge where you can ask your questions in-person with a member of Airmeet’s support team.
  • Scalability: Airmeet’s virtual and hybrid event platform can host up to 100,000 attendees simultaneously, making it a viable choice for large-scale events. As event organizers, you know that last minute changes are bound to occur, the most notable of those changes being fluctuation in your attendee/registration numbers. So, with a platform, like Airmeet that has such a large attendee capacity, you can rest easy knowing that even if you need to scale your event up, Airmeet can handle it.

Airmeet Cons

  • Learning Curve for New Users: Airmeet may have a user-friendly interface for guests, but new event organizers have expressed concern with the steep learning curve the platform has to offer its hosts. This challenge is especially noticeable among new users who are using event management platforms for the first time or who aren’t too tech-savvy. If you’re constantly busy trying to learn how to use features, you can’t spend that time actually planning for your upcoming event.
    Remo, on the other hand, is known to be easier to use from a host’s perspective when compared to Airmeet. Sure, Remo also has a bit of a learning curve (as all new technologies do), but with Remo, hosts are able to set up and plan an event in mere minutes thanks to the default options and features present.
  • Unavailability of Features/ Customization Options: Speaking of features, some event organizers have complained about the lack of a few essential event features on Airmeet, such as a feedback survey. Feedback surveys are a key component of any event (in person or virtual) to help gather feedback or leads after an event. In contrast, Remo offers multiple channels for event hosts to collect feedback or leads through interactive content banners, real-time pulse surveys, or embeddable timed pop-ups.
    Another missing feature users noted about Airmeet was their customization options, particularly when it comes to event landing pages and emails. Airmeet has limited options for adding backgrounds, banners, and even content on their landing page, severely limiting its marketing potential. Additionally, users mentioned removing Airmeet’s branding can be a challenge, which can be a deal breaker for some event organizers. Unlike Airmeet, Remo does offer a full suite of customization options, like customizable event spaces, in addition to full white label capabilities.
    The absence of these features has made it challenging for some users to stick with Airmeet.
  • No Pricing Transparency: Potential event organizers love price transparency when searching for a virtual event platform to host their summits, workshops, and more. It’s crucial to know the platform as usually for virtual events, that’s the main expense. So, it’s important to ensure whichever platform is chosen fits your budget. However, Airmeet, among other virtual platforms, choose not to showcase pricing details on their official website, but rather ask hosts to first book a demo to get a quote. However, Airmeet does offer a free plan for event organizers to get a taste of how Airmeet works (a quick note though - some of Airmeet’s features are not available on the Free plan, so we’d encourage you to check if any of these features are important for your event first).
  • Third-Party Integration Issues: Users of Airmeet have reported having trouble with integrating Salesforce and HubSpot despite Airmeet’s native integrations. A particular user noted a strange occurrence with the HubSpot integration when it came to passing contacts into HubSpot.
    Moreover, the push from Airmeet does not work directly with HubSpot and a few third-party programs. Some users report that Airmeet lacks the capacity to integrate with their conference room spaces.
  • Communication Hiccups: Past users have mentioned problems with how Airmeet communicates changes or updates with their customers. For instance, a user reported that their account manager was changed at least a fortnight before their event. However, Airmeet did not inform them of the new development, nor provide a smooth transition. This can hinder the event planning processes as it will take time to bring the new account manager up to speed regarding that particular client’s account.
    Alternatively, Remo prioritizes its communication with event organizers, aiming to ensure their updates and announcements are non-disruptive and well-communicated ahead of time. This way, event organizers can be well-prepared for any changes, should they happen. 

Airmeet Key Features

Airmeet has several integrated features designed to help event organizers plan and manage their events. However, the following are the standout or hallmark features that make Airmeet a notable competitor within the events landscape:

1. Social Lounge

Airmeet’s Social Lounge is a hallmark feature that offers virtual spaces where event participants can interact in an informal and relaxed setting. Attendees are free to join any table of their choice, much like an in-person event. This also facilitates several simultaneous discussions in more focused and smaller groups

Like Airmeet’s social lounge, Remo offers a similar experience with their Conversation Mode. This mode features several virtual tables (or conversations) that attendees can move between, similar to Airmeet. Whilst Airmeet’s social lounge is just a series of tables against a black screen, Remo takes it a step further with customizable event spaces. Imagine setting your event at a beach or in space – it becomes a far more immersive and unique experience attendees have.

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2. Event Analytics

Airmeet is equipped with innovative analytics that offers a lot of valuable information for event organizers. For instance, this platform’s analytics can provide insights into engagement levels, attendee behavior, and the overall success of the event. It also helps when planning for the next event.

Remo offers post-event analytics as well, as it recognizes the importance this plays in an event’s strategy. Like Airmeet, they also offer metrics on engagement, attendee session data, as well as event-level information. But, they also aim to provide value for sponsors and exhibitors by tracking booth interactions to make lead generation an easy feat.

When event hosts compare engagement metrics, they can take proactive steps to improve their future events. This shared benefit from Airmeet and Remo helps optimize virtual or hybrid event experiences.

3. Breakout Rooms

Airmeet also has a feature known as “Breakout Rooms”, in which event organizers create topic-specific and smaller sessions within the larger or more encompassing event. This is useful for group discussions, focused sessions, and workshops as it gives room for deep dives into specific topics/subjects. Not to be confused with their “Social Lounge” feature though, which is for more informal conversations.

Remo also offers practically the same versatile breakout functionality that Airmeet showcases. Remo event hosts can customize their spaces to the needs of the event though, unlike on Airmeet which offer a more rigid breakout room feature. One example of this is table sizes – whilst on Airmeet all tables have to be the same size, on Remo you can have different table sizes within a single event facilitating both private 1-1 conversations and larger group discussions all at the same time. This, among other features, makes Remo’s virtual event platform standout when it comes to networking capabilities.

4. Interactive Q&A and Polls

Airmeet does not slack regarding real-time polls and interactive Q&A sessions. These foster dynamic environments, especially when attendee engagement is paramount. Within presentations, participants can actively participate by posting questions or answering polls.

This real-time feedback is vital for speakers as it can guide the overall direction of a presentation in the event. It helps ensure the content is not only engaging but relevant to all participants.

Remo, like most other virtual event platforms, also offer the same polls and Q&A functionality. However, in today’s virtual events these interactive tools are sometimes not enough to really capture and maintain an audience’s attention. So, on Remo, we’ve developed a far more extensive set of interactive tools like real-time quizzes, emoji reactions, and immersive sound effects that really bring your presentation to life. 

5. Integration with CRM Systems

Airmeet may have some issues with integrating third-party applications. However, it is still one of the event planning platforms with the most integration capabilities possible. From CRM systems to marketing automation tools, Airmeet’s integration options are extensive.

The connectivity that this integration ensures makes it possible for event hosts to maximize their effectiveness and reach. They can easily leverage every existing tech stack in order to boost event outcomes.

Airmeet Pricing

One of the downsides of Airmeet is that it does not showcase exact pricing plans on its official website. That means you may have to contact the Airmeet team for more specific pricing information, especially one tailored to your needs.

However, they do offer the following pricing tiers to give you an idea of what is possible with Airmeet:

  • Free Plan: Limits you to 50 attendees per event with a 90 minute event duration and only one event organizer.
  • Premium Webinars: Starts at $167 month for 100 attendees, but quickly scales up the more attendees you add. It also only offers a single event organizer.
  • Virtual Events: No pricing given, but again starts for 100 attendees and scales up, as well as offers 5 organizer licenses.
  • All in Suite: Their enterprise option which offers the same as above but with 10 organizer licenses.

One thing to note when deciding which plan to go for is that Airmeet does offer different features depending on the plan you are on. So, be sure to check out their detailed comparison table to ensure the plan you opt for includes all the main features you need.

Conversely, Remo tries to keep pricing as simple as possible with only 3 tiers, that mainly differentiate based on the number of expected attendees and event duration you require. As much as we can, we try to offer our features to all customers, regardless of plan. For example, unlike Airmeet, our ticketing feature is available to all customers and we do not differentiate the ticketing commission for paid tickets based on your plan.

Final Verdict

There’s no doubt that Airmeet is an excellent solution within the virtual event platform landscape. It addresses the ever-crucial need for engagement and interaction during online events. By providing standout features like Breakout Rooms, Social Lounge, etc. Airmeet manages an impressive level of attendee engagement.

However, it also does come at a cost (both metaphorically and literally). Airmeet’s platform, while interactive, can be difficult for new users to successfully navigate the first time they use it. With their impressive set of features, also comes a very steep learning curve to make use of them. Coupled with their price, lack of customization options and even missing key features, Airmeet’s virtual event platform may not be the best solution for some.

That’s where Remo comes in – an equally as engaging virtual event platform that prioritizes real connections and human interaction. Over the years, Remo has built up a reputation for being the platform that best replicates the dynamism and experience of an in-person event, online.

Remo: Airmeet’s Better Alternative

If Airmeet just isn’t quite hitting the mark for your event needs, you should consider Remo’s virtual event platform instead. Remo is all about humanizing the online experience by prioritizing meaningful conversations and authentic networking.

Remo’s user-friendly interface, alongside its robust interactive and customization tools makes it a delight for organizers to use. You can use Remo to tailor your event however you want, making sure your brand identity shines and your event remains a memorable experience for guests.

Why is Remo considered a better alternative to Remo? Let’s take a quick look at 3 reasons Remo stands out as a top virtual event platform:

  • Enhanced Networking Capabilities: One of the top complaints about online events is that the networking feels forced or not as valuable. That’s why Remo started – to change that perception. With over 91% of Remo attendees turning on their mic and cams, we think it’s safe to say that Remo stands out in the realm of virtual networking. With features like free attendee movement, smaller group conversations, and realistic event environments, Remo replicates the in-person feel of networking, making it a nice change from Airmeet’s more static options.
  • Superior Branding and Customization: Remo wins out over Airmeet when it comes to branding and customization options. On Remo, event hosts are able to tailor the entire virtual space to match brand identity and event vision perfectly. Customization options are abundant on Remo from simple changes like adding your logo to more complex ones like customizing the floor plan. Additionally, Remo offers a full white-label solution, event organizers can add on to their plan.
  • Engagement-Boosters Beyond the Traditional: Airmeet offers a robust set of interactive tools event organizers can use to boost engagement at their event. However, these tools follow the more traditional routes, like polls, Q&A, emoji reactions, e.t.c. Remo, on the other hand, offers all these and more non-traditional solutions as well. For example, live sound effects for real-time feedback to speakers as well as making the event more immersive for guests. Or, quizzes to measure attendee learning or just some fun!

The reasons discussed above establish Remo as an ideal go-to alternative to Airmeet. If you want your virtual events to be unforgettable, deeply engaging and meaningful for attendees, then consider choosing Remo as your virtual event platform partner.

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Hoyin Cheung

Hoyin Cheung is the Founder & CEO of Remo, where he focuses on enhancing the authenticity of connections at virtual events. With a wealth of experience in event planning, he translates his insights into compelling content aimed at improving virtual interactions. His mission is to empower event professionals with practical tips to foster genuine connections in every virtual gathering.

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