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15 Benefits You Didn't Think of When Working Remotely!

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January 30, 2024

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Remote work has become the new normal over the past year and you may be thinking that the practice of remote work life is coming to an end. I can assure you the pandemic showed us the great benefits of remote work and that it will be here to stay for a long time to come. With employees saving time and the environment on commutes, higher autonomy, and fewer office interruptions leading to higher productivity and making life more accessible to those who are disabled there’s really no reason why working remotely shouldn’t be considered by any company! Here are 15 remote work benefits.

Greater work-life balance

The first remote work benefit is a good work-life balance is all modern-day employees strive for. Remote workers gain more freedom with their schedules allowing them to fit in a better work-life relationship.

Better for the environment

Fewer emissions from the work commute mean fewer greenhouse gasses in the air. This also means less electricity consumption from running a large office.

More independence

There’s a great benefit to giving your employees more freedom when it comes to working. This encourages them to work harder as they have to work more so for themselves than their employers.

Saving money

People who work from home get great benefits from saving thousands a year. These costs are saved on parking fees, transport fees, the cost of running a car all the time, money spent on a professional wardrobe, and money spent on lunches.

Employers saving money

It’s not just the employees that get benefits from saving money. Employers and the company itself can save money on the cost of running an office and the cost of renting an office space.

Customizable office space

Giving employees the option to work from home gives them the chance to customize their office space and create an office from home that they love and that will keep them even more focused.

Increased Productivity

Working in a comfortable environment and having more power over your work ethic is one of the best benefits and will increase productivity for your workers and your company.

Better for those with disabilities

Working remotely provides those with disabilities the ability to attend work without having to go through the pressure of commuting. Gives them a more comfortable environment to work.

Greater access to employees

Setting up a remote office gives you the option to search for employees around the world. This expands your ability to hire candidates best suited for your company rather than what is presented in the local market.

Improved satisfaction and employee retention

Employees gain better job satisfaction from working from home as it gives them a better work environment. This leads to better employee retention and more experienced staff.

You make your own schedule

Working from home means employees can follow their schedule as long as they maintain their level of productivity. This leads to more freedom and better employee satisfaction. Creating your own schedule is a great way to increase employee confidence and productivity.

Employees learn more

Employees learn more about their job and the company they work for when they are forced to learn by themselves. Giving your employees the autonomy to learn your company at their own pace will display an employee's commitment to your firm. You want your employees to learn more rather than doing work they have no interest in because they don’t fully understand it.

More enjoyable meetings

Physical meetings can really have a bad effect on people’s anxiety. Virtual meetings are far more relaxing and less intense. Following the meeting, employees go straight to their workspace as soon as the meeting is finished. Forget the added effort of getting back to their office space. They can just close their meeting tab and resume their work!

Easier to keep in touch with supervisors/managers

Those who work from home are able to get in touch with their supervisors and managers so much easier than in an actual office space. All they have to do is give them a call or send an email and get a response in minutes. In an office, this is more difficult to do as you have to wait until your supervisor or manager is free to talk which will decrease work productivity.

More focus

Having fewer workplace distractions means your employees will be able to stay far more focused than when they are in an office space. Allowing them to increase productivity.


There you have it 15 benefits of working remotely. These remote work benefits prove that working from home is a brilliant way to improve your company. It increases productivity, lowers operating costs, and encourages a healthy work-life balance! For more ideas about building a great company culture within remote teams, check out our article "How To Build Great Company Culture with a Remote Team"!

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