Do you host online events? Are you looking for inspiration for your next online event? Traditionally, when we think of online events, webinars come to mind. With Remo you can create a number of highly engaging events. We have put together a list of 23 creative ways you can use Remo to create highly engaging events from the comfort of your home. 1. Online meetupsTake your offline meetup online. It really is as simple as sending out an invitation and ta-da you have an online meetup. Say goodbye to commuting, delayed trains, traffic, and bad weather.

2. Weekly mastermindsMasterminds typically involve a group of people meeting in person who share their challenges for feedback. Did you know you can also host an offline mastermind experience online? Switch on your camera and turn on your mic and start masterminding, just like in real life but online.

3. WebinarWebinars can be used as part of a course or online training. By creating a webinar on Remo you can post polls, vote on questions, introduce a breakout area and invite your attendees to connect online, post an announcement and then bring your attendees back into your webinar. You can now record and export your webinar from the comfort of your browser.

4. Online trainingsTeach a module or host 1:1 coaching with new and existing clients. You can either host a live talk or add the screen share feature to share access to a presentation during your live training session.

5. Experience sharingSharing experiences, collaborations and forging lasting connections online, made easy. Make use of the chatbox feature, or switch your camera and mic on to have a video call. Create engagement with online chat, voice, and video all on one platform.

6. Interactive panel discussionsPost questions or a poll and vote during your online event.

7. Speed networkingAdd a countdown timer, decide on the number of sessions, duration and buffer between each sessions and you are ready to network online.

8. Coaching workshopsHost a coaching workshop with a small intimate group. Re-create an offline experience of coaching by interacting with your group by online chat, voice, and video.

9. Career fairsBring in recruiters, experts, corporations or any other type of organization, assign a table to each company and invite attendees to come in and connect with each table. Each table representing a booth at a career fair.

10. Pre-online networking before in-person eventsLet's say you are attending a huge 3-day conference but you really want to make the most of your time by researching and connecting with the right people beforehand. A pre-online networking session does exactly that. Invite all your attendees to an exclusive online event and facilitate pre-event networking at ease.

11. HackathonsHost an online hackathon for 20 people or 200+. The ritual of pitching an idea and breaking up into teams is simplified with the Remo online networking space. Use whiteboards to share and communicate ideas, integrate slack and host screen shares to bring teams together.

12. Co-working spaceYour virtual co-working space brings together your team or group. You can customize each room, connect with your team using screen share, online chat, video, voice, a slack integration, and a whiteboard.

13. Virtual officeThe Remo virtual office is like having a physical office but online, without the expenses to go with it. Connect with a colleague, discuss projects or host brainstorm sessions all in one place.

14. Expert roundtable discussionsInvite experts and host roundtable discussions, move from table to table whilst connecting with a range of experts.

15. World cafe discussionsCreate a space to openly talk, share and discuss a range of ideas using not just online chat, but also video and voice by switching on your camera and mic.

16. Startup pitch nightGone are the days of traveling halfway around the world to connect with innovation. Hosting an online startup pitch night makes it easy to connect with innovation -online. Without the need to travel.

17. Breakout discussionsPeople, in general, crave connections and in the words of Airbnb 'belonging'. What better way to facilitate connections than with breakout discussions.

18. Virtual summitsThe trend of virtual summits is growing. Do you wonder why? Joining a virtual summit without having to spend hours on end with a commute, delayed or canceled trains or stuck in bad traffic tells you accessibility to virtual events always wins.

19. Podcast and speaker matchmakingCreate an online matchmaking process facilitated by a countdown timer. Enter session durations and off you go.

20. Online matchmakingCreate matchmaking or speed networking events with this intuitive countdown timer for your next event.

21. UnconferenceSet up an unconference, go live and record your session. Sell the replay or offer this as a bonus to your email list.

22. Online partiesWhat is an online party? First of all make a drink, login or register for your event, switch on your camera and mic and then start partying away in a virtual space. Move from table to table meeting and connecting with people from all over the world.

23. Product demosHost an online product demo or preview of your latest product or service. Get feedback and make live iterations. By using the screen share and broadcast features you can host a product demo live from your browser.

Are you ready to start creating engaging online events with Remo?Need some support to get you started?Book a free Product Demo today.