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8 New Year Goals to Set For Your Virtual Team in 2022

Remote Work
Team Building
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January 30, 2024

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With the year coming to an end, we’ve had a few lessons learned – inspiring some virtual team goals. What a year! For one, this year hasn’t been one of the best, and many people are looking forward to next year. It was full of unwanted surprises that changed the way we interact and socialize. After all, the pandemic significantly changed the way things are for good. However, the pandemic wasn’t all bad though. It gave us time for reflection. We realized that we don’t have to travel in and out to work anymore and we still got the job done – if not even better.

The importance of setting virtual team goals

The benefits of a positive work environment are endless. ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’ is one of the most famous quotes in the business world for a reason. Even though the same goes for virtual organisations, some managers ignore remote workers. After all, just because you can’t see remote workers doesn’t mean that they should be forgotten. After all, you can’t see organisational culture either, and we know how important it is. Setting virtual team goals can add real value to your team.

Certainly, managers can’t control everything in a virtual setting. However, one aspect that a manager can control is the way the team communicates with each other. Good communication is crucial for successful remote teams. The following are some advantages of positive communication practices:

  • Miscommunication is avoided.
  • Allows for more efficient work processes.
  • Encourages more collaboration.
  • Promotes team-building opportunities.
  • Ensures workers feel heard and valued.

Undeniably, these are all great benefits, are they not? If you haven’t been communicating effectively with your team, you can turn it around in 2021 with some smart virtual team goals. While working remotely is not exactly a new idea, this year it became even more popular. So, you’ve already thanked your employees with a stellar virtual end-of-year awards ceremony, what can you do to further boost morale?

Additionally, with the new normal swiftly in action, trends show that remote working is here to stay. You may ask, how can you set your virtual team up for success in the new year? We’ve put together some remote work resolutions you can make for 2021:

1. Organize more team building activities

Team building is more important now than ever to bring remote workers together so they feel valued and connected. After all, a team that plays together stays together! Ensure that you prioritize to organize more virtual team building activities for 2021.

2. Have more virtual coffees

We all know that team building is key for a successful virtual team. What better way to build connections than to chat about the daily happenings over a virtual coffee?

3. Invest in mindfulness

Working alone can be daunting for some. Make sure that you invest some time and effort into mindfulness for your virtual team goals. Why not execute a weekly mindfulness session including guided virtual mediation?

4. Improve communication channels

Do a communication audit and see what works best for your virtual team. Do you need to move your team to Slack and leave email for external communication only? Maybe Google Docs isn’t quite cutting it and Trello is best for your team. Either way, re-evaluating communication channels is always an essential new year goal to include.

5. Ensure staff aren’t experiencing burnout

As a manager, it’s not only your job to delegate duties. An effective manager checks in on their team members from time to time. One of the most essential virtual team goals is managing burnout. Ask questions about workload and stress levels. A simple yet effective way to minimise burnout is to message your team to log off at the official closing hours.

6. Invest in growth 

Growth and learning is a lifelong experience and should be continued from physical to virtual teams. Self-development is one of the most fundamental virtual team goals. Tick this new year’s resolution off your list and hour team will excel in 2021.

7. Celebrate virtual wins weekly

Sometimes we forget to acknowledge the little wins and we take small successes for granted. Don’t wait until the end-of-year -awards to celebrate achievement. Schedule a time slot every week to make your virtual team feel valued.

8. Verbalize short-term virtual team goals 

If you don’t say your goals out loud, how can your team put the actions into play to manifest them? Verbalising your team’s short-term goals is key to ensure clarity and collaboration in a virtual world. In the globalized world that we’re in now, it’s a blessing in disguise that we can work virtually. Just this time last year, remote working seemed like a new sensation. However, it was a concept that was very much on the cards for organisations globally. The pandemic brought unrest, but every cloud has a silver lining. The workforce has learned that this ‘new normal’ should have probably been a thing pre-COVID. The new and improved way of working showed us the importance of setting virtual team goals. With a rise in initiatives such as the four-day week and the flexible workforce, virtual teams should be a mandate. The virtual landscape will overtake as the norm, it is up to organizations to adapt to the ‘new normal’.

Why not make an occasion out of your new year goals and throw a virtual event to announce them? Check out Remo as the events platform to announce your virtual team goals ceremony. Go one step further and book a free demo with one of our team to boost your virtual event.

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