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How many breakout rooms can I have in Zoom?

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January 25, 2024

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Breakout rooms allow meeting hosts, co-hosts, or facilitators to curate a niche space where meeting participants can come together to ask meaningful questions, host in-depth conversations, or get to know each other on a more personal level. Before hosting your breakout rooms, it’s important to first determine how many breakout rooms you can host in Zoom. In this article, we will teach you how breakout rooms work on Zoom, who can facilitate breakout rooms in Zoom, how much it costs to host breakout rooms, and lastly how many breakout rooms you can host. 


After you’ve determined who you will be inviting to your meeting followed by your breakout rooms, you can determine how many breakout rooms you will need so you can get to work on planning who will be in each breakout room. Alternatively, you can enable self-selection and have meeting participants choose their own breakout rooms. 


How do Zoom breakout rooms work? 

Breakout rooms make it possible for you as the meeting host to split your Zoom meeting into smaller groups, allowing users to separate participants into a maximum of 50 separate sessions. As the meeting host, you can choose to split meeting participants into separate sessions automatically or manually meaning you have the ability to curate who breaks off into each group. Additionally, you can also allow participants to select and enter breakout sessions as they please. These features are known as automatic vs. manual room creation. Selecting automatic room creation will create your breakout rooms automatically and will place meeting participants into rooms pre-assigned or random rooms. Selecting manual room creation will allow you to create each room on the fly so you can assign participants to each room individually in real time. 


The maximum number of participants in a single breakout room will vary and largely depends on the meeting capacity, the number of breakout rooms created, and whether participants are assigned to breakout rooms during the meeting or before the meeting. If you wish to have more control over who attends which breakout room, you will want to make sure to assign attendees to specific breakout rooms prior to the meeting. 


In the meeting toolbar, the host or the meeting co-host can select the breakout rooms icon and access a variety of features including automatic vs. manual room creation, move participants, delete room, and recreate. These features make it possible for you to host effective breakout rooms without losing control over meeting participants. 


Who can facilitate Zoom breakout rooms? 

In order to facilitate a breakout room, you must be the meeting organizer. If you don’t see the option to facilitate a Zoom breakout room, it’s because you are not the meeting host. Meeting attendees or presenters will not see the breakout room option and therefore will not have the ability to facilitate breakout rooms. In addition to the meeting host, the meeting co-host will also have the ability to facilitate breakout rooms. 


The meeting host can choose to split meeting participants into separate sessions automatically and can choose to pre-assign participants or provide them with the free will to choose which breakout session they join. Additionally, if participants are provided with the self-selection option, this also means that they can leave and enter breakout sessions as they please. 


How many breakout rooms can I have on Zoom? 

The maximum number of participants in a single breakout room depends on the meeting room capacity, the number of breakout rooms that were originally created, and if participants are assigned prior to the meeting or during the meeting. While you can create up to 50 different breakout rooms, these numbers only apply to breakout rooms that are created during a meeting. To natively create as many as 50 separate breakout rooms, sign into your account using your Zoom credentials, navigate to your Account Settings, navigate to your Advanced Settings, and enable the Breakout Room feature. 


How much does it cost to host Zoom breakout rooms? 

Pricing on Zoom varies depending on your unique needs and additions you may need. Zoom has 14 different pricing editions from $5 to $499 and range from a Free plan to an Enterprise plan. Zoom breakout rooms are available to use in the Free plan in addition to the Business plan that costs $19.99 per month, per user. Your capabilities will vary based on the plan you choose. 


Why can’t I add more breakout rooms in Zoom? 

To enable breakout rooms, navigate to the Meetings Tab, select the Breakout Room toggle, and enable the feature. If a verification popup appears, agree to the popup to enable the change. If the option is grayed out, it has been locked at the account level and needs to be changed at that level. This means that you may need to contact your administrator. 


Host more effective breakout rooms with Remo 

Zoom breakout rooms offer an excellent opportunity to foster connections and host in-depth conversations; however, they lack in creating networking opportunities that allow for genuine human-to-human connections. If you’re looking to create a more immersive online meeting space, Remo is the answer.


Remo is an interactive virtual event and meeting platform that empowers you to recreate natural interactions in any type of gathering, from global events to remote work meetings with your peers. Remo makes it possible for you to connect with others in real-time by providing you with the tools you need to immerse yourself in an event, host round table discussions, create a workshop, or brainstorm with your teammates. 


Unlike Zoom, Remo makes it possible for you to create a one-of-a-kind immersive virtual experience that fosters engagement and connectivity. When compared to a hefty $499 Zoom subscription, Remo is a cost-effective alternative that allows you to create multiple rooms and host short online events for FREE. We’re transforming the way people around the world experience meetings by humanizing online interactions. Interested in learning more? Start your FREE TRIAL today!

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