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How to Host A Secret Santa Exchange for Virtual Teams

Virtual Events
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Remo Staff



January 30, 2024

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Santa isn’t coming down the chimney anymore, he’s coming through the wires. Times are changing. The way we work is changing. However, the human need to feel connected with your colleagues hasn’t changed. Secret Santa for virtual teams is one of the best ways to create memories. After all, connecting with people will never go out of fashion.

A Secret Santa exchange is the best way to shake off any stress and get into the festive spirit. If there’s one thing to include in your virtual office party it’s a virtual secret Santa. Christmas is all about joy, surprise and coming together. Needless to say, it’s even more important for virtual teams to connect over the holidays. To solidify this, we’ve already discussed the importance of team building in virtual teams. Throwing a Secret Santa for virtual teams is more straightforward than you think.

What is the history of Secret Santa?

400 years ago, the Dutch settlers brought their tradition of Sinterklaas (St. Nicholas) with them to the New World. In America, Santa Claus is largely based on Sinterklaas. Both Santa Claus and Sinterklaas bring presents to children. Since family and friends exchange gifts at Christmas, Secret Santa encourages more fun. Secret Santa for virtual teams holds the same traditions as the past – it’s all about togetherness.

In a world where work from home has become the new norm, we can often forget about the importance of remote team building. Holding a Secret Santa for virtual teams is a great way to get your virtual team talking. Either way, you have to think about the personality of your co-worker. You have to see them as more than a name on a screen. It’s an opportunity to get to know each other and create lasting memories. To make your life (and your employees) easier, we’ve devised the ultimate guide on how to host a Secret Santa for virtual teams. So, look no further, connect your virtual team this year by emailing them our step-by-step guide.

1. Assign a Budget for the Secret Santa for virtual teams

Firstly, you need to decide on a fair budget. Keep it relatively low as Christmas is a costly time of year and Secret Santa is all about the fun. Consider offering employees a gift card to take part. Secret Santa for virtual teams is a must-have for your virtual Christmas party ideas.

2. Find out who is Participating in the Exchange

The Secret Santa generator will send out everyone’s virtual Secret Santa. Then, send employees an email with the date and time, their Secret Santa’s address and the meeting link. A Secret Santa for virtual teams needs more collaboration than a traditional one. Collaborate with your virtual team to ensure a time and date that works for all. Moreover, suggest that staff include a wish list.

3. Email the virtual Secret Santa information

The Secret Santa generator will send out everyone’s virtual Secret Santa. Thereafter, send participating employees an email with the date and time of the exchange, their Secret Santa’s address and the meeting link. A Secret Santa for virtual teams requires more collaboration and communication than a traditional Secret Santa. Collaborate with your virtual team to ensure a time and date that works for all. Moreover, suggest that staff include a wish list.

4. Enter names into a virtual Secret Santa exchange generator

There are many secret Santa generators out there. DrawNames is the Secret Santa generator that we recommend. It is simple to use, you can send information across a variety of communication channels and members can even submit a wish list. What more do you need?

5. Send a reminder email to remind staff about the Secret Santa for virtual teams

With the fiscal year ending, all your employees are bound to be busy. The virtual Secret Santa exchange might slip their mind. Send a reminder email along with gift inspirations and most importantly, the date and time.

6. Make the virtual Secret Santa even more fun

The day of the Secret Santa has arrived. Everyone is on call and about to open gifts. To make the exchange even more enjoyable, assign employees into breakout rooms. Offer employees icebreaker games to avoid ‘Zoom fatigue’. Looking for more virtual Christmas party ideas? We’ve put together more fun virtual holiday party ideas for work that will increase your virtual team’s Christmas cheer.

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