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How to Organize and Host a Virtual Speed Dating (Step-By-Step Guide)

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April 23, 2024

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The pandemic has innately changed the way the world works. From how we work, to how we shop, communicate and entertain ourselves. Video calls have replaced dinners, and virtual quizzes have taken over pub nights. Well, the way we date is no different. The dating scene has done a whirlwind. Before 2020 Tinder and Hinge were an excellent addition to in-person events. These days, they are the only way of getting to know a love interest. Virtual speed dating is an exciting way to put the human touch back into dating, and you can chat with the person rather than exchanging messages. Speed dating events were already a great way of mingling, but now we have to turn to virtual events. Why not be a cupid instead of a Casanova? Host a virtual speed dating event that will get people talking out of the phone screen. Don’t worry about the nitty-gritty logistics! We’ve put together the ultimate guide on how to host a virtual speed dating event. If you organize this event right, you could even end up with a future wedding invite, and of not, all your guests will have a bit of fun.

Before the event: How to host virtual speed dating

Select a virtual events platform

The main feature of your event is going to be the virtual events platform. Make sure you choose one that allows you to customize the floor plan and has broken out rooms to ensure a romantic atmosphere while the guests get to know each other.

Decide the logistics

The number of guests, ticket prices, date and event name, is one of the most fundamental aspects of hosting a virtual speed dating event. You can hold a virtual speed dating event at any time. But why not have it on a day over Valentine’s weekend?

Organize tickets

Use Eventbrite to sell tickets to your guests. Don’t forget to include a detailed agenda of the event and where to get information.

Market your event

If you’re going to arrange this event amongst friends, send an e-invite or post on your personal social media accounts. If you are thinking of turning this event into a business venture, create dedicated social media channels, a website and outline an event marketing campaign to spread the word.

Communicate with guests

Send guests an email with all the details of how the event will roll out. Include some conversation starters and virtual icebreakers that the guests can play on their virtual date.

During the virtual speed dating event

Pre-event networking

A fun interactive feature that is a must-have for any event is a virtual lobby. Once guests arrive, allow them to roam around the virtual lobby. Pre-even mingling is an excellent way for guests to float from table to table and get to know each other informally.

Welcome the guests

Once all the guests have walked through the e-red carpet. Kick off the virtual speed dating with a chat from the MC welcoming guests and brief how the night will go.

The virtual speed dating logistics

Split guests into tables of 2 for 3 minutes at a time. Three minutes may sound like a short period, but experts say that you can tell whether there’s a spark within the first three seconds. Assign each guest a number starting from 1 onwards. Allow the odd numbers, i.e. 1,3,5 etc. to remain at their virtual tables. When you ring a bell or announce that guests move, the even-numbered’ guests will move on to the table to their right. This method ensures logistical perfection. Ensure that you don’t have too many guests participating simultaneously as the guests could experience ‘Zoom fatigue’.

After the dates

After the virtual speed dates, announce that there will be some icebreaking games for the next 30 minutes or so for guests to engage. This indecisive way guests can get to know their love interest further. Who knows, maybe someone who was an initial no might catch their eye. Also, tell guests that they don’t have to participate in these games. Guests who have spotted a love interest are free to privately message each other and arrange a follow-up date on a private table. The way we meet people has changed forever, but the way we fall in love has been the same since the beginning of time. Spice up your social life and organize a virtual speed dating event. After all, it’s a break from Netflix and Instagram scrolling. If you have any questions on how you can use Remo’s to create a virtual speed dating event, check out our YouTube channel.

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