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10 Best Practices to Host a Virtual Career Fair!

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January 30, 2024

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Hosting a virtual career fair is a lot simpler than hosting the physical alternative. However, if it is your first time, then it can be a daunting process. But not to worry, we have you covered with our list of 10 best practices to follow. The advantages of hosting a virtual career fair have no end. It no longer makes sense to host a physical career fair when the virtual alternative has these benefits;

  • Cheaper to run
  • Global audience rather than local
  • More chance of companies attending
  • Better results!

So, here are our virtual career fair best practices!

1. Choose a platform

Choosing the virtual conferencing platform is vital to hosting a virtual career fair as it can cut down the costs of hosting your event by a significant amount. You also need to choose a platform based on your needs, and the more comfortable a platform's interface is to use, the more appealing it will be for companies and guests to participate in your virtual career fair. Check out our pricing, here

2. How much?

You must also decide on a budget you would like to spend on hosting your virtual career fair. A budget is one of the best practices you can follow when setting up your career fair, as it can depend on several factors as to how much your career fair will cost. Check out our blog post on 'How Much Does it Cost to Hold a Virtual Career Fair'.

3. Encourage companies to attend

One of the best practices you can follow when setting up your virtual career fair is encouraging companies to participate in the event. This can be a long process when deciding what types of career routes you want to offer your attendees. However, most companies you contact will jump at the chance to participate in your career fair as a chance to meet some fresh potential employee candidates.

4. Promote

Promoting is the best way to get the word out about the career fair. Get the message out by;

  • Starting a social media campaign
  • Sending emails to potential employees
  • Scouting on LinkedIn
  • Knowing your target audience

All of these are vital aspects when following your virtual career fair best practices.

5. Encourage talent to attend

Once you start promoting your event, the next thing to do is to encourage potential employees to attend the event. Send out emails as reminders. If you don't have any talent attending your career fair, then there is no point in hosting the event. LinkedIn is an excellent way of scouting out potential attendees

6. Develop a marketing plan

Developing a marketing plan is the best practice to follow once you start to get the word out about your event. Think about hiring a marketing company to handle this for you as it will take a lot of pressure and stress off your hands.

7. Hire an event manager

Another way of relieving stress on your part is to hire an event manager to oversee the event. This way, you don't have to worry about technical difficulties that occur during the event. You don't need to worry as much about the setup. The event manager will see to all of that. You can easily find event managers for hire by doing a quick Google search.

8. Run through plan with attending companies

Make sure the companies attending the event know how to use your virtual platform. They will also need to know when they can enter the virtual conference to set it up with ease. This is one of the best practices to follow as it ensures a smoother process during the event.

9. Make it simple

What's the point in having an over-complex career fair? When hosting a virtual career fair, the best way to see results is to make it simple. A simple interface, easy-to-attend meetings, simple application forms, etc.

10. Follow up with attendees

There is no point in hosting a virtual career fair and then never thinking of it again once the event is over. Follow up with your guests either by sending out a survey or asking for a one-on-one meeting to discuss how the virtual career fair best helped them secure a job/interview.
And there you have, 10 best practices to follow for your virtual career fair.

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