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4 Virtual Social Event Ideas... and How to Host Them!

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January 30, 2024

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Face-to-face engagement will always be valuable in our culture and society. But there are instances when turning virtual is a crucial aspect of your event strategy. But how can you transform a multi-day conference into a virtual social event, complete with networking possibilities, instructional sessions, and the insights gained from attendees? How do you keep guests interested during the event once you've done that? A virtual social event demands the same level of attention and care as a physical one. Both events need you to market the event successfully, engage your participants, create beautiful and memorable moments for them, and demonstrate event success. The location and on-site attendance are the only things that are missing. However, you can build a compelling event that stretches much beyond a computer screen if you conceive of virtual social events as value-added, engagement-driven experiences rather than simple one-off presentations or webinars. In this post, we'll discuss how to host a virtual social event! Virtual social events are divided into four event types:

1. Webinars

These events usually last between 45 and 80 minutes. Webinars allow participants worldwide to virtually listen and join into one or more presenters to provide the topic. Companies can host free webinars or charge guests to join, utilizing online payment systems. They often employ video conferencing capabilities that allow for Questions and Answers, the option to display live or pre-recorded video, and the opportunity to make the event available after the event as on-demand. The event type has succeeded with one hundred percent virtual attendance due to their one-time instructional nature. Internal and external pieces of training are examples of this.

2. Hybrid internal events

Townhall meetings, sales kick-offs, company-wide events, training, division meetings, and other events fall under this category. In addition, internal hybrid meetings are used to communicate a message to the entire company when personnel is not all assembled in the same area for enterprises that span nations, even continents. While flying every employee to your company's headquarters would be ideal, it would be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming to schedule.

3. External hybrid events

These gatherings are for those who are not affiliated with your company. User conferences and industry conferences are also possibilities. These events need a greater degree of video production to ensure that virtual guests receive the same level of service as in-person attendees. Attendees that are unable to attend the event can still participate and learn at these activities. It's challenging to give the same experience at external hybrid events since in-person attendees may network more effectively and engage with information more efficiently than virtual attendees.

4. Virtual conferences

Virtual conferences, like in-person conferences, are organized around a live, complicated agenda that contains keynotes, sessions, breakout sessions, and more. In addition, virtual social events can feature information from many sessions as well as community involvement features. While virtual social events are not as effective as in-person events in lead generation and networking, they allow participants to see keynotes in real-time, create their timetable from relevant, on-demand information, and engage with other participants. Now, how can you switch a traditional event into an online experience by hosting a virtual event? Read on...The coronavirus pandemic will undoubtedly force you to adjust how you conduct yourself in your work and personal life, but it will also provide you with a reason to step out of your comfort zones and try something new. Although transitioning from a physical event to a digital one has its problems, if you stay organized and make sure your participants are prepared, you have a good chance of having a successful outcome.

Step 1. Make a timetable

Because virtual social events don't enable everyone to be in the same room simultaneously, management is key to keeping things on track. Participants may be on the same virtual page by creating a timetable for the day, week, or whatever long your event lasts. An activity schedule for the day helps set expectations and assures that presentations and performances run on time. Remember to incorporate natural pauses throughout the day when planning a virtual social event schedule, just as you would when organizing an in-person event.

Step 2. Send out a notification outlining the event's guidelines

While live streaming an event from one's home may feel less formal than gathering in a public venue, there are still etiquette and digital decorum rules to follow. Ensure everyone knows how to silence their microphones and take turns speaking, mainly if your event contains numerous speakers or interactions. This will prevent discourse from overlapping or becoming incoherent. A short email clarifying these principles should be enough to eliminate unwanted interruptions or misunderstandings.

Step 3. Verify that all participants have the requisite hardware, software, and meeting links

Checking that each participant has the proper equipment and understands how to access the meeting is a significant consideration when preparing a virtual social event. Attendees will almost certainly require specified equipment or peripherals to stream real-time with a good connection. If they do not, they may be entirely excluded from the event. Reliable conferencing equipment, good hardware and software components, is required in addition to a secure internet connection. Is it possible for attendees to join the meeting using their web browsers, or do they need to install a particular program or programs before the session begins? Let them know early ans tell them what to do. Ensure all meeting URLs, passwords, and procedures for connecting to the meeting are sent out ahead of time.

Step 4. Attendees' virtual social event preparation

There will always be user mistakes when technology is involved. Virtual social events are not all created equal. There are many video conferencing tools as well as events technology alternatives available. Don't take the digital knowledge (or lack of it) of your attendees for granted. It's ideal for producing a guide for participants before the event that explains how to get to the event, the sessions, and more. Allow guests to try launching sessions or sending messages before the start of the event. This will reduce guest tension, reduce the flood of inquiries on the first day of the event, and create a better overall event experience. This manual does not have to be outdated. Is there going to be a host for your event? Consider having them make an introductory video that teaches them while also being humorous.  

Step 5. Make use of eye-catching graphics

Visual materials have just as much impact on virtual social events as vocal parts. It's crucial to add images that complement rather than detract from your presentation or meeting. Along with the verbal message, consider using pertinent charts or graphs, maps, infographics, or even video clips. Visual material should keep your audience interested and listening, so if your graphics are interactive, that's even better. Remind yourself that some of your participants will be visual learners who like to learn via visuals, pictures, and colors, while others will prefer to learn via audio. However, collaborative communication benefits everyone since it opens up fresh ideas and clarifies complex techniques, so if at all feasible, solicit audience involvement and input.


Rather than canceling your events, convert them into engaging digital experiences. The opportunity for knowledge sharing and face-to-face interaction is still there; it just looks a bit different right now. You can virtually host any event! From trade exhibits and leadership conferences to weddings and other key milestones. With the right technology and a reinvented strategy. So, for a fantastic digital experience, keep organized, establish ground rules, and maintain your visuals. We hope that your next virtual social hour event will be successful. With Remo you are sure to have an amazing user experience, Remo has in-built features to make this happen from your first click. With Remo, you can host events of all types. For ways on how to create strong social connection online, check out this article!

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