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Best Event Ticketing Software

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Hoyin Cheung

18 mins



July 24, 2024

List of the 10 best event ticketing softwares
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Planning an event and need help with event ticketing? Selling tickets and securing attendance are among the most important tasks when hosting events, whether virtual or in-person. Both of those are directly impacted by the event ticketing software you choose, which in turn, can greatly affect the success of your event.

To help you out, this article features a list of the best event ticketing softwares available in 2024. These platforms provide solutions to simplify registration and payment processing for your attendees while driving revenue and attendance for you.


10 Best Event Ticketing Softwares & Platforms of 2024

1. Remo

Remo is an outstanding virtual event platform with built-in ticketing solutions to increase your event attendance and revenue. With Remo, organizers can sell tickets at the most affordable rate, maximizing their total event revenue. You can use their ticketing service for various events in diverse industries, including job fairs, webinars, and trade shows, just to name a few. Best of all – Remo gives you a two-in-one solution as both an event ticketing platform and a virtual event platform.

Creating tickets on Remo's event ticketing software

How Remo Works

Ticketing on Remo is extremely easy and quick to use. Within minutes, you can set up multiple ticket tiers and begin sales immediately. All you have to do is choose the ticket name, price, and quantity. That’s it! Your tickets are then set up and ready to sell. All that is left is to share the event link with your target audience and watch those registrations and payments come in. To simplify event and ticket management even further, all ticket sales go directly to your connected Stripe account, and registrations are sent straight to Remo. If you want to see Remo’s ticketing in action, their product experts are available to take you through a personalized demo.

Remo's Ticketing Features

  • Multiple Ticket Tiers: With Remo, event organizers can create multiple ticket tiers to suit their event needs. These can be free, paid, or a combination of both. 
  • Instant Payout: You can connect your Stripe account directly to receive instant payouts, making tracking cash flow and sales easier.
  • Automated Reminders: Event organizers can use Remo’s automated email reminders to simplify their management and increase event attendance.
  • Sales Dashboard: Organizers can view ticket sales in real time on a single dashboard. At a glance they can see ticket details, quantity sold, and ticket status, so they can make real-time adjustments easily.
  • Customizable Registration Forms: Remo’s event ticketing platform also allows the host to add customized registration questions for attendees to answer. This way, they can collect important information from attendees and better understand their preferences.
Custom registration form on Remo's event ticketing platform

Remo Pricing and Plans

Unlike other event ticketing software, Remo’s is affordable and available with all paid plans. Free event tickets are free to create, with no hidden charges or booking fees to make note of. For paid tickets, Remo charges an affordable USD$0.99 + 2% per ticket. However, as an exclusive benefit, until April 2025, Remo has waived the 2% ticketing fee, so paid tickets only cost a flat fee of USD$0.99 per ticket!

Here is a general breakdown of Remo pricing and their plans.

  • Starter plan: Starting at $299 per month, Remo’s starter plan is great for frequent events. You can choose to subscribe annually or quarterly.
  • One-time events: If you are looking to host a single event with no commitment, then you can opt for Remo’s one-time plan. The pricing for this package starts at $699 and includes all the features in the starter plan and more.
  • Enterprise plan: The enterprise package is great for larger-scale organizers looking for more customization options. This is custom-priced based on your exact needs, so you have to contact Remo’s team for exact pricing. 

Remo takes pride in offering transparent plans and pricing for both their ticketing and plan fees. Therefore, you do not have to worry about any hidden fees if you choose to use their event ticketing software for your next event.


  • Fast Customer Support: Remo is well-known for having one of the best customer service teams in the industry. With a dedicated support team operating 24/5, you can guarantee an answer to your questions from a real life human (not a programmed bot)
  • Transparent Pricing: Remo's ticket pricing is fully transparent, with no hidden cost or surprise fee added. As you set up tickets, Remo clearly mentions the per-ticket fee, along with an estimate of Stripe fees. 
  • Instant Payouts: All purchases are instantly sent to the organizers Stripe account, for better cash flow management and no messy post-invoicing.
  • Comprehensive Virtual Event Platform: Remo is an all-in-one solution with both a virtual event platform and event ticketing software for one price. So, not only is registration seamless, but it’s a much more cost-effective solution if you’re hosting a virtual event.
  • Most Affordable Ticketing: On average, ticketing fees are about 3.5%-4% + $1-$2 per ticket, Remo’s is far more affordable in comparison (2% + $0.99). The more affordable the ticket fees, the more profit for an organizer.
Multiple ticket tiers created on Remo's event ticketing software


  • Limited Ticket Sales Customization: You cannot customize some aspects of tickets on Remo – for example, you cannot set specific start or end dates yet.
  • Discount Code Limitation: Although Remo offers affordable pricing, customers cannot add discount codes yet.

2. Eventbrite 

Founded in 2006, Eventbrite is among the most well-known event ticketing platforms. This software is ideal for events of all sizes. It also has a friendly user interface and is excellent for inexperienced users. Eventbrite is also quite famous as a go-to directory for various events and experiences, ranging from music and nightlife to business and health. The software features both virtual and in-person experiences. However, Eventbrite is only a registration and ticketing software. It does not offer check-in functionality for in-person events or an online virtual event platform like Remo does.

Add tickets on Eventbrite Registration and Ticketing Platform

How Eventbrite works

As Eventbrite is primarily an event registration platform, an organizer needs to add the details of their event on Eventbrite directly. Once that is created, they can then add additional details, like tickets and custom emails. All of which lets Eventbrite create a dedicated registration page for the event, which you can customize further if you wish to engage visitors better. The platform also supports email marketing, letting organizers send up to 10,000 emails daily. Plus, Eventbrite also supports embedding their ticketing and registration process, so hosts can use their own event landing pages if they wish. However, since it is only event registration, you need to ensure they pass registration data to wherever they need it; whether it’s their CRM, event platform, or just a spreadsheet.

Eventbrite's Ticketing Features 

  • Analytics and Reporting: The real-time analytics and reporting features give businesses insights into event attendance and details about ticket buyers. This feature also covers ad spend, traffic and conversion reporting, and sales dashboards.
  • Custom Event Emails: Eventbrite has automated email notifications to remind ticket buyers about upcoming events or inform them of changes. On Eventbrite, these emails (content and graphics) can be customized to suit the organizer’s branding.
  • Multiple ticket types: On their higher tiers, Eventbrite offers the option to create multiple ticket tiers for a single event. With this, organizers can create various ticket types, from paid and donation-based to VIP and early bird tickets.
  • Customizable Event Payouts: Organizers can also schedule the ticket payouts based on what works best for them. 

Eventbrite Pricing and Plans

Like Remo, Eventbrite lets you create free tickets for free. For paid tickets, they too charge a percentage-based fee plus a flat fee. However, their rates are 3.7% + US$1.79 per paid ticket (plus an additional 2.9% per order for payment processing).Here is a breakdown of what their plans entail:

  • Free Plan: This plan is ideal for small-scale events with up to 25 tickets. Planners can host unlimited events. You can also send up to 250 marketing emails daily.
  • Flex Plan: The pricing for this plan ranges from $9 - $49 per event, depending on the total tickets you intend to create (100 tickets minimum). This plan comes with all the features in the free plan, including an option to pay as you go. 
  • Pro Plan: The Pro plan ranges from $29 to $159 per month, depending on the number of planned tickets (100 tickets minimum). This plan offers unlimited events though, making it ideal for those hosting frequent or recurring events.  Also, this plan allows you to send up to 10,000 marketing emails daily. There is also a 2 week free trial for this plan for you to test the features before making a commitment. 
  • Premium Plan: The Premium plan is customizable to meet each event's unique needs. Notably, the package features extras like custom ticketing fees, 24/7 chat support, and one-on-one custom onboarding.

It is important to note that Eventbrite offers different pricing and plans based on the country you operate in. The above plans are for the United States, but plans, features offered, and ticketing rates may differ. Hence, we recommend checking Eventbrite’s pricing page for the most accurate information.


  • User-friendly: Eventbrite's user-friendly design and features make it easy for newbies to use. The mobile app is equally easy to navigate for attendees.
  • Event Discovery: With Eventbrite, you can leverage their large event directory and attendee following to add a low effort, low cost additional marketing channel.


  • Difficult Customization: Although Eventbrite offers customization options, these are typically difficult to use or inflexible. For example, customizing an email means organizers have to build a template from scratch for each custom email, as templates cannot be saved for reuse.
  • High cost: Eventbrite's ticketing services can be costly for large-volume events since the company charges a fixed fee for each ticket sold plus a percentage of the ticket price itself, and then an additional payment processing fee.
  • Few Virtual Event Integrations: Limited native integrations with event platforms make this solution difficult to use if you're looking to host a virtual event.

3. Ticketleap

Ticketleap offers ticketing solutions for various events, from charity events to concerts. The platform is also popular for its user-friendly qualities. Established in 2003 by Christopher Stanchak, Ticketleap is amazing for both live and virtual events. The software has a user-friendly interface and does not require any subscription, making it great for organizers seeking ticketing solutions without commitment. However, their operations are only limited to businesses operating in Australia, Canada or the US. 

Ticketleap Event Ticketing Platform

How Ticketleap Works

Ticketleap prides itself on its easy-to-use and quick ticketing and event setup. With Ticketleap, all you need to do is sign up, enter your event information, and add your ticket details. From there, Ticketleap will construct your ticketing page for you and you can start selling tickets.As sales come through, you can monitor these with their registration reports. You can also run custom email campaigns and add discount codes to encourage more sales. Once your event is over, Ticketleap will then send your ticket profit to your bank, which can take a further 1-3 business days. There are other event ticketing softwares, like Remo that offer instant payouts, where you get the revenue from sales immediately when it happens for better cash flow.

Ticketleap's Ticketing Features 

  • Mobile App: Ticketleap offers a useful app for organizers to simplify the attendee check-in process at live events. Plus, it also accepts credit card payments for in-person ticket sales at the door.
  • Ticket Exchange: The software is flexible enough to accommodate changes in the registrant's plans. Thus, if your attendees cannot work with the time slot allocated on their ticket, they can exchange the ticket for another day or event instead of a refund.
  • Donation-based Tickets: In addition to the more typical ticket types, Ticketleap also supports donation-based or “pay what you want” tickets. This is especially ideal for non-profits or fundraiser events.
  • Timed Entry Ticketing: The software lets organizers create tickets for specific event sessions or time slots (instead of the full event). This way, you can lower prices to encourage more sales and you get a better idea of attendance per session to help with crowd flow and management on the day. 

Ticketleap Pricing and Plans 

Unlike other event ticketing software on this list, Ticketleap does not have any fixed or structured subscription plans. So, with Ticketleap, you are able to create tickets with no commitment or upfront contract. 

Ticketleap gives organizers access to their full suite of ticketing tools for free (including the ability to create and sell free tickets). It’s only when a paid ticket gets sold that Ticketleap charges you:

  • Ticketleap fees: $1 + 2% of the ticket price
  • Credit card processing fees: 3% of the ticket price

Like other platforms, organizers can decide to bear the additional fee themselves or add it to the ticket buyers' fees. In addition, Ticketleap's platform features an online calculator to preview how their pricing system works.


  • No Subscription: Planners can access the platform's ticketing solution without subscribing to any plan, making Ticketleap an excellent and relatively affordable option for both one-time and recurring events.
  • Flat Rate, Low Fee: The company offers a flat rate fee of $0.49 for tickets costing $5 or less, making it easier to sell tickets at a cheaper rate. 


  • Limited Availability: Ticketleap is only available to businesses with bank accounts in Australia, Canada, and the US. 
  • Not Mobile Friendly: The mobile application has some limitations, especially when viewing the seat map to choose a seat. This limits guests' ability to properly select the seats they want to purchase tickets.
  • Delayed Payouts: Since the platform pays organizers their ticketing revenue via bank transfers, these payouts can take anywhere between 4-7 business days after your event ends. This can be a very long wait and negatively impact your cash flow.

4. Ticketbud

Ticketbud offers excellent ticketing services for both expert and first-time event organizers. The company takes pride in its capability to handle large-scale events, processing up to 400,000 tickets at multi-week festivals. Ticketbud has a history of providing a ticketing solution for various event types, including corporate events, trade shows, and festivals, as well as virtual, hybrid, and in-person events. However, past users have noted that while this solution is a good beginner tool, it lacks necessary features for more customized or complex ticketing needs.

Event Ticketing Analytics on Ticketbud

How Ticketbud Works

Customers can purchase tickets without having to create an account on Ticketbud. You can use the software to sell tickets directly on your website or build a custom webpage on Ticketbud for this purpose. After paying for tickets, attendees will receive an email containing their access code, link, or QR code to the event. Ticketbud uses Stripe, PayPal, and WePay to process payments. The company does not offer any subscription or pricing tier. Thus, intending users can sign up for free and pay for what you need. You can also book a custom demo or watch the video tutorials on Ticketbud's website to learn how their event ticketing software works.

Ticketbud's Ticketing Features

  • Mobile application: Ticketbud offers a free mobile application for organizers that provides real-time updates and speeds up the check-in process. It also allows the host to easily access and manage guest lists. 
  • Custom ticket layout: Ticketbud also provides tools for customizing the ticket layout. This feature allows organizers to brand the ticket and tailor the design to the ticket's purpose. For instance, if you're creating a parking ticket, you can add elements like a map and directions.
  • Reserved seating: Ticketbud works with organizers to create a map of their event. Thus, attendees can even choose where to sit and purchase tickets to reserve their specific spots.
  • API: Ticketbud provides an open API that allows organizers to connect the platform to whichever third-party services they like. This way, organizers can set up their own registration process using Ticketbud’s ticketing functionality but have all data stream directly into their own systems.

Ticketbud Pricing and Plans

Ticketbud’s pricing model is unique compared to other event ticketing software on this list, as it does not offer a subscription at all. All their plans offer the same features; the only difference is the rate for paid tickets and white-label needs:

  • Free Events: You can create a free account if you intend to only create free tickets with full access to all their ticketing functionality.
  • Paid Events: The company charges around 2% + $0.99 per paid ticket. Like other ticketing software, you can choose whether to absorb the fee yourself or pass it to attendees.
  • Nonprofits and Schools: Nonprofits and schools enjoy a discounted per-paid ticket fee of 1.75% + $0.99 cents per ticket. 
  • Custom and White Label: If you’re looking to fully rebrand the Ticketbud platform, you can contact them directly with your event needs for a custom quote and rate.


  • Easy Setup: The platform is easy for organizers at all skill levels to set up and manage. The company also offers fantastic customer support to facilitate the process. 
  • Affordable: Like Remo, Ticketbud offers a comparatively affordable ticketing solution. Planners can also choose to absorb the ticketing fee for each customer's purchase or include it in the ticket price.


  • Technical Issues: There can be occasional glitches causing issues with reading barcodes on another mobile device or unexplained pausing when scanning tickets. This can cause hold-ups during registration or check-in, which can slow the overall process down. 
  • Lack of Advanced Features: Although Ticketbud is beginner-friendly, its features are very basic, and it may not be the best choice for planners looking for more advanced features. 
  • Inconsistent Support: A lot of users noted that their customer support was not as great as other platforms. Most importantly though, the level of support given was inconsistent, with some customers receiving excellent support while others were simply ignored.

5. Accelevents

Accelevents is a cloud-based event registration and ticketing software ideal for both in-person and virtual events. For online events, you can integrate the platform with well-known live-streaming options, including Zoom and YouTube. Accelevents can work with all types of industries and institutions. Notably, the company was originally founded to support the registration and fundraising process for a charity event. However, past users have mentioned various limitations in regards to Accelevents pricing and payouts. For a closer look at their solution, check out our detailed Accelevents review.

Accelevents Data Dashboard

How Accelevents Works

The platform is a good ticketing solution for all types of events, including virtual, hybrid, and onsite. Organizers can personalize the ticketing experience by building the event page from scratch and customizing the ticket types. The platform also allows organizers to add discount codes and create multiple ticket tiers for the best experience. In terms of ticket management, you can edit ticket tiers anytime or even swap a ticket from one attendee to another when needed. In addition, the software permits registration form customization to help organizers collect information that can improve their event. To view their ticketing solution, Accelevents provides a personalized demo to showcase these features and more. 

Accelevents Ticketing Features 

  • Event Page Customization: You can build your event landing page from scratch with Accelevent's built-in website builder or use one of their templates for a head start. 
  • Approval Workflows: Organizers can retain strict control over who can attend events with a manual approval system for all registrations. Additionally, with this feature they can also create waitlists once an event reaches total capacity.
  • Conditional question: This feature allows organizers to configure conditional questions during registration. So, depending on how attendees answer, organizers can customize the registration form or questions asked.
  • Self Check-in: For onsite events, organizers can speed up attendee check-in with self check-in or the QR code scanning via the Accelevents' admin app. 

Accelevents Pricing and Plans

Accelevents offers four plans, which vary based on how many events you expect to create and the features you need access to. Luckily, all 4 of Accelevents’ plans have access to the basic ticketing functionality. In addition to the subscription cost, their ticketing service costs $1 plus a 3% fee for each ticket purchase. Here is a breakdown of their subscription plans and their features:

  • Professional Plan: This plan lets you host just a single event with a registration capacity of up to 500 attendees. Pricing starts at $5,000 and includes Accelevents's basic features, such as multiple ticket types and custom registration questions.
  • Business Plan: The business plan starts at $12,000 and lets you host an unlimited number of events during your subscription period. Planners can sell tickets to up to 2,000 registrants. With the possibility of multiple events possible on this plan, you also get access to cross-event analytics. 
  • Enterprise Plan: This plan is perfect for larger businesses planning a big event. Organizers can have up to 10,000 registrations and unlimited events. This plan also includes advanced features like approval workflows and unlimited organizer profiles to ease event management. Pricing is custom for this plan, so you will need to contact their team for a quote.
  • White Label: The pricing for this plan is fully custom based on each organization's needs. However, this plan is only useful if you are looking to fully rebrand Accelevents as your own virtual platform, similar to Ticketbud’s whitelabel plan. White label, in this case, includes features like a custom URL and a branded mobile application.


  • All-in-one Platform: Accelevents serves as an all-in-one platform supporting ticketing and event management. Thus, organizers can fulfill their technical event needs with a single platform.
  • White Label Option: Like Ticketbud, Accelevents provides the option to fully white label the platform if you are interested in rebranding it as your own for events.


  • Event Duration Limitation: Accelevents limits events to 4 days, which may not be favorable for organizations planning an event or experience of a longer duration.
  • Limited Data: The analytics and data provided are limited according to past reviews, making it harder to access valuable information.
  • Delayed Payouts : The payout schedule for Accelevents is rather rigid, as they only release payouts after the completion of all ticket sales. Unlike Remo and other platforms, which give immediate and direct payouts.
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6. Ticketmaster

Owned by Live Nation Entertainment, Ticketmaster is among the best event ticketing softwares for businesses in the entertainment industry. This US-based entertainment ticketing platform stands out for its amazing ticketing and event features like the Virtual Venue, which gives fans an immersive look at your event’s venue. While it’s a great platform for entertainment-based events, like concerts or festivals, its pricing has been criticized for being far too expensive given the value organizers and buyers get from the platform.

Event Directory on Ticketmaster Software

How Ticketmaster Works

Like Eventbrite, Ticketmaster also has a directory displaying all events using their platform. However, on Ticketmaster, these events are all limited to entertainment events and experiences. Given such a small niche though, Ticketmaster does tailor their ticketing solution uniquely to each event's needs. You can set up an account on Ticketmaster for free, and pay as you go. 

Ticketmaster's Ticketing Features 

  • White Labeling: This solution allows businesses to create and sell on their marketplace instead of Ticketmaster's general marketplace.
  • Virtual Venue: The platform allows organizers to create interactive seat maps. Thus, attendees can pre-select their preferred seating area when buying tickets to secure their spot. Besides the functional benefit of reserving a preferred spot, it makes for a much more interesting purchase experience and builds up excitement.
  • Buyer Resale: Ticketmaster fully supports ticket buyers reselling their ticket by building a dedicated feature for buyers to use. Ticket buyers get to set the resale price themselves and keep the full value. For ticket buyers, they ensure they get their money back while you maintain your event's attendance.
  • Flex Pricing: This feature in Ticketmaster's Account Manager streamlines the ticketing process for fans. They can handpick the events within their price range and complete the checkout process.

Ticketmaster Pricing and Plans

Creating an account on the platform is free, as they follow a pay as you go model. Ticketmaster adapts demand-based dynamic pricing to an extent with their ticketing fees. So, depending on the estimated popularity of your event, they will calculate the respective service and delivery charge. For service fees, these typically range from 6% to 10% of the ticket price, and delivery fees are usually $2.5 to $15 depending on the ticket delivery process selected.

As you can tell from the ranges above, Ticketmaster is one of the most expensive ticketing softwares in the industry. Both past organizers and ticket buyers have complained about the comparatively high ticketing fees. Not to mention, it does not have a clear way of determining these service fees ahead of time, making it hard to plan your event budget.


  • Customer support: Ticketmaster has excellent customer support, according to past reviews. Each customer even has a dedicated customer support specialist to assist. The platform also has an AI-powered chatbot to provide support for clients globally.
  • Ticketmaster's Marketplace: Ticketmaster has a general marketplace displaying a variety of entertainment events, from concerts and sports to arts and theater. You can use this feature to boost your event’s discoverability and increase ticket sales.


  • Limited to Entertainment Events: Ticketmaster is built for entertainment-related events, so its feature set is largely designed with that use case in mind. So, if you’re hosting a ticketed corporate event, job fair, or any non-entertainment based event, this platform may not be the right fit for your needs.
  • Dynamic pricing: Ticketmaster's pricing model has been criticized for charging more for popular events or in-demand tickets than their face value. Moreover, this makes it very challenging for organizers to plan their event budget or estimate revenue.
  • Most Expensive Ticket Fees: With both a service and delivery fee that is well above industry standard, Ticketmaster comes to be one of the most expensive event ticketing softwares around.

7. Eventtia

Eventtia is an all-in-one event management platform offering flexible ticketing solutions and real-time analytics as part of its services. The company has a record of facilitating over 30,000 events and commits to providing solutions tailored to each event. Eventtia's customer success team is readily available to guide you through the entire ticketing process. Despite their strong customer support, past users still mention the platform overall is complicated from the interface to its pricing.

Eventtia Ticketing Dashboard

How Eventtia Works

With Eventtia, businesses can customize their events' pricing model and rate. During the ticketing setup process itself, organizers can also divide attendees into various categories or segments. Eventtia also allows you to create a date-based pricing scheme and offer specials like Early Bird tickets to boost registration incentives. The platform provides features like a mobile event application, tiered ticket pricing, real-time reporting, and promotional codes to simplify the experience for planners and guests. You can contact the company directly for a step-by-step demo of their ticketing setup, as they do not currently offer a free plan or trial. 

Eventtia's Ticketing Features

  • Time-based Ticket Tiers: Eventtia allows organizers to set ticket sale start and end times, so you can create special offers like early bird tickets or charge higher closer to the event. 
  • Multiple Payment Methods: With Eventtia, attendees can use their preferred payment method through Klarna, Google Pay, Apple Pay or credit cards to purchase event tickets.
  • Ticketing Widget: You can integrate Eventtia's ticketing widget into your own website, so guests can register and purchase tickets directly from there. This gives you full branding ability of your registration page while still utilizing their ticketing functionality for easier management.
  • Event Mobile App: Eventtia provides an event mobile app to facilitate booking tickets and attending events on the go. It also helps organizers keep in touch with attendees after registration via app notifications.

Eventtia Pricing and Plans

Eventtia provides three annual plans, each with the option for unlimited events and ticketing included: 

  • Essential: Starting at $1500 for the year and with 1 user
  • Premium: Starts at $2500 for the year and with 3 users as well as more of the virtual event platform features
  • Enterprise: Custom quote with unlimited attendees and advanced security and customization capabilities.

Like Remo, Eventtia’s pricing is determined by a variety of factors, including expected number of attendees, number of users, and feature access among others. When subscribing with Eventtia, it’s important to note that there is an additional per-attendee rate to take into consideration.


  • Helpful Customer Support: Eventtia's customer support team is accommodating and available to guide registrants through the entire ticketing process.
  • Unlimited Events: Like Remo, Eventtia also lets customers host unlimited events regardless of the plan selected.


  •  Complex Pricing Structure: Some users complain about the complexity of Eventtia's pricing structure, as it is determined by so many unmeasurable factors. Thus, organizers may find it hard to compare the platform's upfront cost with that of competitors.
  • Not Intuitive: Some aspects of Eventtia’s platform, like HTML creation and website creation, are not very intuitive, especially for non-tech savvy organizers.
  • Not International: Past users mentioned Eventtia’s lack of options for international attendees. Most notably, it did not support multiple currencies for ticket payments or provide language translation.

8. Eventzilla

Eventzilla is an all-in-one event management software with registration and ticketing solutions. The platform is ideal for various industries, including conferences, classes, and fundraising events. The best part is that Eventzilla will tailor the ticketing features and payment solutions to different industry and event needs. Founded in 2009, the platform has an array of specialties to help planners guarantee a successful event; from ticketing to event marketing. These solutions make the platform practical for planners who also require other services along with their event ticketing. However, users have found the platform lacks solid integrations that make it easy to connect Eventzilla with other tools in their event stack.

Eventzilla Embeddable Ticketing Solution

How Eventzilla works

The platform is relatively easy to navigate, and you can set up your registration page within a few minutes. All you need to do is provide essential information, like payment options and event details, to kickstart registration. Plus, payment processing is quite fast, and you can expect to receive revenue in your account instantly. 

Eventzilla's Ticketing Features 

  • Various Payment Methods: Eventzilla offers a variety of payment methods to fit different users' preferences. The available options include bank transfers, credit and debit cards, checks, and cash.
  • Embedded Registration: Planners can embed Eventzilla’s ticketing widget onto third-party platforms, like Facebook or their own website, for a more cohesive registration experience. However, they also provide a standalone ticketing page so that attendees can complete registration and purchase tickets on the Eventzilla-created landing page. 
  • Analytics: Eventzilla features built-in reporting tools that allow planners to customize the reports they get based on their event goals.  The platform also integrates with Google Analytics to help organizers monitor referrals, ticket sales, and registration page visits.
  • Email and Social Media Marketing: Eventzilla integrates with social media platforms through Zapier. You can also use the platform's email tools to invite your contacts to purchase tickets. 

Eventzilla Pricing and Plans

Eventzilla plans are typically charged per registration/ticket sale, except for their Annual Plan offer. They keep a different ticket fee rate though for each plan, so keep that in mind when estimating your plan cost. Eventzilla offers the following three plans:

  • Basic Plan: This plan is $1.5 per registration and includes up to 100 email invites, 1 paid ticket type, and the standard registration form. This plan covers Eventzilla's essential features, such as unlimited events, onsite sales using a mobile app, confirmation email, and unlimited free registrations. 
  • Pro Plan: The pricing for the pro plan is similar to the basic plan, plus an extra 1.9% charge per registration (making it 1.9% + $1.5 per registration). With this plan, you get unlimited paid ticket types, up to 500 email invites, and customization options in addition. 
  • Plus Plan: The Plus plan also includes the flat fee of $1.5 plus 2.9% from each registration. However, this plan covers extra customization and support options like white label, badge printing, and support for multiple currencies.
  • Annual Plan: If you’re looking to host a large/high-volume event, Eventzilla offers an Annual plan where you can get a flat fee based on your expected event size and needs. As this is custom priced, you do need to contact their team for a quote estimate.

It is important to note with Eventzilla, like most other event ticketing software as well, that free events/tickets are free to create. However, if you wish to access their other features (like custom registration forms, more email invites, etc.), you will need to opt for their “Premium Features for Free Events” add-on.


  • Easy Setup: The platform is quite intuitive, and it can be set up in minutes. The features are also easy to customize.
  • Fast and Secure Payment: Eventzilla takes pride in securely processing ticket payments and instantly crediting planners' processing accounts.


  • Limited Email Customization: Only some of the plans feature email customization, which limits marketing and personalized follow-up opportunities for organizers working with a limited budget.
  • Occasional Glitches: The software sometimes experiences occasional glitches, despite being a very mature product. These glitches have caused issues like being unable to type in the boxes or publish ticket drafts, which can introduce blockers to your ticketing process.
  • Limited Integrations: Eventzilla only supports integration through Zapier and users may experience difficulties trying to get information out of the platform. As a result, this may incur more manual efforts from organizers, as opposed to simplifying their efforts.

9. vFairs

vFairs is a renowned event management company that also provides event ticketing services. Like Remo, the platform specializes in providing event management services but includes a robust ticketing solution for organizers. This addition helped vFairs provide a more comprehensive event experience for organizers and attendees. However, a lot of users mentioned their interface being difficult to use, especially for first-time users or those who are not tech-savvy.

Real Time Data Dashboard on vFairs Software

How vFairs Works

Organizers need to first create an event landing page, which is fully customizable with an organizers preferred colors, fonts, and logos. Then, they can set the ticket pricing and registration type. vFairs allows planners to create various ticket tiers and customize the checkout experience for buyers. They can also customize the registration form to collect relevant data from ticket buyers. Users can also integrate third-party platforms like Stripe and PayPal to facilitate ticket payment. Once customers complete their payment, organizers can set up immediate payment confirmation emails. Although vFairs does not provide a free plan, the company offers a personalized demo to show intending buyers the software's ticketing features. 

vFairs' Ticketing Features

  • Event Email Builder: This event ticketing software features an AI-powered email builder, allowing organizers to customize confirmation emails efficiently with the help of AI. You can even customize emails for different audience segments built with vFairs.
  • Ticket Add-ons & Promotional Tools: With vFairs, organizers have multiple options to try to generate even more sales. For example, they can see add-ons with tickets, or create promo codes, and even offer discounts on various tickets.
  • Ticket Buyer Flexibility: With multiple ticket types, vFairs lets ticket buyers manage their ticket purchases easily. For example, they can pay the difference between tiers to upgrade their ticket type for increased revenue potential. 
  • Event Communication: This feature allows planners to stay in touch with customers after ticket purchases. You can schedule and send payment confirmations via email and SMS.

vFairs Pricing and Plans

vFairs offers 2 types of pricing plans: annual subscriptions or per-event/product pricing:

  • Annual Subscription: Like Remo, all 3 tiers offer ticketing functionality, so you can choose the plan that works best for you. 
  • Per-Event/Product Pricing: Their registration and ticketing package is charged separately from their other licenses (event check-in and badging solution, virtual event platform license, or hybrid event platform license). So, as you can see, going for this model, costs may add up very quickly, making this a more expensive event ticketing software.

Regarding their actual ticketing package, this includes a custom registration form and landing page, multiple ticket tiers, reporting, and up to 500 registrations only. You can also top up your package with add-ons like CRM integrations, payment capture (if you plan to create paid tickets), and a custom sub-domain. vFairs does not disclose what their per-ticket cost is.

For both their annual and per-event/product pricing, you do need to request a quote directly from the company, as vFairs does not provide any explicit information about their starting prices or overall plan costs.


  • Excellent customer support: vFairs frequently receives praise for their great attention to detail and attentive customer service, particularly with their project managers.
  • All-in-one solution: Like Remo, vFairs offers an all-in-one solution, providing a comprehensive experience for users. Organizers and attendees can complete the ticketing process, registration, and event attendance all with vFairs platform.


  • Expensive: vFairs' pricing is quite expensive compared to other virtual event platforms, especially if you go for the per-event model. Additionally, given there is no reported starting cost, the price for even annual subscriptions is likely to be higher than other platforms.
  • Email Communication Issues: There are complaints about issues with emails from the software often landing in junk folders, making it more difficult to follow up with ticket buyers.
  • Complex User Interface: vFairs' user interface can be quite complex for inexperienced organizers since the platform serves as both a ticketing and virtual event software. This can lead to an inevitable learning curve for organizers.

10. Sched

Sched is a comprehensive event registration and management platform that allows organizers to effectively manage tasks like creating event schedules and tracking ticket sales. The platform is a great choice for planners looking for more robust registration and event management solutions alongside ticketing. However, this also means their ticketing capabilities may not be as comprehensive as some of the other platforms on this list. It is also worth noting Sched requires some technical expertise to fully use all of its capabilities.

Registration Form on Sched Ticketing Platform

How Sched works

First, you must create an event page on the third-party registration platform and Sched. You can then proceed to create your desired ticket variations on Sched. You can also set the ticket permissions to limit access to certain activities or days based on the ticket type. To integrate your ticket management on Sched with a third-party registration platform, if you choose to use it, you need to input your event ID and Sched API Key into the registration form setup. In addition, the platform allows planners to offer discount codes and collect payments.

Sched’s Ticketing Features

  • Promotional Tools: The platform combines marketing with ticketing solutions through social media integrations and email campaigns.
  • Customizable Registration: Planners can customize the registration process to collect information from ticket buyers that could potentially help their events.
  • Third-party Integration: Sched also integrates with third-party platforms to simplify your ticketing tasks and facilitate payment. Notably, all the plans include a connection with Stripe, although Sched may charge additional fees.
  • Ticket Schedule: With Sched, you can set rules and permissions based on ticket types to restrict access to certain activities during an event to create meaningful ticket tiers. 

Sched Pricing and Plans

Sched typically charges a fee of 1.9% or 0.99%, depending on your plan, plus an extra $0.99 for each ticket sold. Planners can choose to bear the fee or pass it on to attendees by adding it to their ticket price.For the plans, Sched offers various packages charged either on a single or unlimited event basis. These plans include;

  • Free: Organizers hosting a small event with no more than 50 guests can make use of Sched’s free plan with limited features.
  • Launch: The Launch package starts at $600 per event or $100 per year for 250 attendees. It includes features like personalized schedules and session registration.
  • Boost: This package starts at $1500 per event or $250 per year for 250 attendees. Organizers get access to extra features like freeze schedules and waitlists with this plan.
  • Ultra: The pricing for the Ultra plan starts at $5000 per event or $834 per year for 250 attendees. Besides the above features, it also provides priority support and training.


  • User-friendly Interface: The platform is easy to use for even non-experienced attendees and organizers.
  • All-in-one Platform: The ticketing software provides a comprehensive solution for ticketing, registration and event management, which can greatly streamline event planning tasks. 


  • Higher Cost: Past users have complained about Sched’s sudden increase in prices, making it too expensive for some (especially when it comes to large events, since their prices go from 250 attendees to 1000 attendees directly).
  • Limited Features in the Free Plan: Although Sched offers a free plan and a 30-day free trial, organizers can access only a limited number of features, so may not get to try the full experience without paying.
  • Limited Customization: For those looking for a more branded solution, Sched does not offer many options for this. Reviews mentioned even with technical knowledge, it was difficult to make registration your own.

Things to Look For in the Best Event Ticketing Softwares

Now that we have covered the best event ticketing softwares available today, let’s take a look at what makes them the best. The best place to start is with what an event ticketing software actually is.

What is an Event Ticketing Software?

An event ticketing platform is a tool designed to help an event organizer manage and sell tickets for virtual or in-person events easily. The software will usually handle all things related to registration and ticketing, from processing ticket payments to sending out confirmation messages or invoices. Most of these platforms also provide data insights and analytics that planners can use to access relevant information like customers' age, location, and feedback. This data will go a long way in helping organizers tailor the event to their audience.

The best event ticketing software will have features like multiple pricing tiers, flexible pricing, and fast payments. All of these are designed to give you, the event organizer, maximum flexibility and a simplified process. Without a ticketing platform, managing events can quickly become extremely complex due to tasks like ticket refunds or distribution. Event ticketing software simplifies this by automating tasks so you can focus on making your event memorable.

With that in mind, let's explore a few core factors to look out for when evaluating event ticketing software:

1. Ticket Flexibility

Look out for ticketing platforms that offer you the most flexibility when creating and managing your tickets. For example, a software that provides options for multiple ticket types and tiers is far better than one that only lets you create one tier at one price point. You should be able to create various categories that fit your event needs. Depending on the platform, here are a few examples of what ticket flexibility looks like; 

  • Free and Paid Tickets: If you create free tickets, you would also want to ensure that they are actually free and that registrants and yourself are not required to pay an extra cost. For example, free tickets are always free to create with Remo’s event ticketing software (for both organizers and guests).
  • Ticket Tiers: Some ticketing platforms offer various ticket categories ranging from VIP to "pay what you have." The latter is excellent for organizations trying to collect donations from attendees. At a minimum, the platform should let you create more than one ticket type.
  • Ticket Schedules: You can also look for platforms that let you schedule the ticket sale on a timed basis. Thus, you can control the tiers that are on sale or available for a temporary period. This way, you can also introduce tiers or promotions like an "early bird" special.
  • Discount Codes: Some platforms also allow you to create discount codes or offer group discounts to boost sales. This could also help if you have certain VIP attendees for whom you want to offer a discount.

2. Affordability

Whilst most platforms do not charge for free tickets, they often do charge a commission for the sale of any paid tickets. Therefore, choosing a software that offers an affordable paid ticket fee is also essential to helping planners manage their event budget, especially if they plan to bear all the event fees. Even if they decide to pass on the cost to ticket buyers, an affordable ticket rate will attract more registrants.

A great idea is to compare the upfront costs of different ticketing services and select one based on your budget. Remember to also take into consideration whether a specific plan tier is required to access a platform’s ticketing capabilities. For ticketing fees, most event ticketing softwares will charge either a flat rate per ticket, a percentage-based commission, or a combination of the two. At Remo, for example, their ticketing solutions are already a part of the benefits you enjoy with any of their Remo plans. Remo’s ticket fees are also very affordable – only $0.99 + 2% per ticket.

3. User-friendliness

Remember, event ticketing software is all about simplifying the experience, it should not make it more complicated. So, you should also look for software with a user-friendly interface and a simple registration process. This factor will not only make the ticketing experience smooth for you but also for your attendees, and leave a good impression about your brand. Not to mention, an event without registrations, or ultimately attendees, won’t be very successful, so getting this part right is critical. 

For organizers, the process to create and start selling tickets  should be easy to set up. Most importantly though, it should keep its setup process and analytics in one place for easy reference. That way, you can keep track of your ticket sales and if you notice a tier running out, you can quickly spin up a new tier or increase the quantity of tickets available.

On the other hand, for guests, the entire registration process must be straightforward and take only a few minutes at most. Especially for paid events, guests can give up if the process to register and purchase a ticket is overly complicated with no clear guidance. Even worse, if they make the ticket purchase, but the “next step” in registration is unclear. The software should have a clear layout and easy navigation so guests always know where to click and can successfully register for your event. For example, Remo’s registration process is relatively simple, but they still offer a detailed help article to guide guests through the registration process in case they need it.

That’s why it is best to test the software’s event ticketing process before committing to it. Most platforms will offer a free trial or demo to explore the ticketing feature and registration process first. At the very minimum, you can try out the registration process from a guest’s perspective with any of the free events offered by the software you’re looking at.

4. Integration

Integration is essential for any ticketed event since it lets planners create a seamless event experience from registration through to joining the event. Common integrations found with the best event ticketing softwares will be with: 

  • CRMs, such as Salesforce or Hubspot, to send details of your registrations directly to your CRM
  • Marketing Automation tools, like Marketo or Mailchimp, to automate registration confirmation and event reminders to ticket buyers.
  • Virtual event platforms, such as Remo or Zoom, to streamline the process of joining an event (if it’s held online)
  • Payment systems, like Stripe or Paypal, to offer a variety of payment options for guests.

Each event ticketing software will have its own set of integration capabilities. Therefore, check out the kinds of integrations each software offers and whether they fit your event needs.

5. Security and Privacy Integrity 

Customers often enter sensitive data and information during their registration and ticket purchases, like their location or credit card information. Thus, choosing an event ticketing software that prioritizes security and data privacy is essential. Plus, using a secured platform will build customers' trust and confidence in your event and may make them more likely to register. Moreover, you should look for event ticketing platforms that do not collect more data than they actually need to handle your event’s ticketing and registration.

6. Customization

While event page customization might have little to do with the ticket itself, it is still a great way to promote your brand, sponsors, and future events and is an integral part of the overall registration flow. Thus, if marketing or branding is one of your event goals, then an event ticketing software that offers customization services will be helpful. 

Customization options here can vary depending on the event ticketing software you choose. These can include:

  • Customizing the email confirmation messages sent to registered attendees
  • Customize registration forms to collect relevant information from ticket buyers as they register 
  • Customizing the actual design of tickets or badges (if it’s an in-person event)

Frequently Asked Questions about Best Event Ticketing Softwares

  • What software is used for ticketing?

There are multiple software options available to help you with your event ticketing needs, whether it is for an in-person or virtual event. There are also multiple options that offer both event management solutions as well as ticketing solutions, like Remo or vFairs for example. On the other hand, you may prefer using a software that’s exclusive to ticketing and registration, like Eventzilla or Ticketbud. 

  • Do event ticketing platforms offer integration?

It depends on the platform you choose, but the best event ticketing software should offer some form of an integration to ensure seamless data exchange of registrations. The integration options can include third-party payment gateways, CRMs, or other event management platforms, to name a few categories. 

  • What features should I look for in an event ticketing software? 

The features to look for in an event ticketing platform depend on your event needs, concerns, and goals. If your goal is to boost audience reach, then you should opt for software that also offers dedicated marketing features like social media integrations, event page customization, and promotional codes. On the other hand, if your goal is to maximize revenue, you should consider a platform with flexible ticketing options, like multiple ticket tiers, custom price levels, or timed sales. 

  • What pricing models are typically available for event ticketing software?

The pricing models and plans vary between ticketing solutions, so you should consider your event type and needs when deciding what pricing model to opt for. However, as a base, most platforms offer some form of a per-paid ticket rate. For example, Remo offers just $0.99 + 2% per paid ticket, which is well below the industry average ($1.5 + 3% per ticket).

In addition to the rate, some platforms will also have subscription plans customers must sign up for to start selling tickets. This is especially common when looking at software that offers more than just ticketing, like vFairs or Accelevents. If there are subscription plans, remember to note which of the plans actually offer ticketing functionality or if it’s charged as a separate add-on.

Hoyin Cheung

Hoyin Cheung is the Founder & CEO of Remo, where he focuses on enhancing the authenticity of connections at virtual events. With a wealth of experience in event planning, he translates his insights into compelling content aimed at improving virtual interactions. His mission is to empower event professionals with practical tips to foster genuine connections in every virtual gathering.

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