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Planning a Virtual Thanksgiving? Here’s 10 Ideas to Try During COVID-19

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January 26, 2024

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Thanksgiving is about togetherness. Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve had to rethink our traditional sense of togetherness. With the number of covid cases rising steadily across the world, many of us will connect with our friends and family online. All you need is a virtual events platform on your device to meet up in a safe and interactive way. If you’d like some ideas to spice up your virtual event this Thanksgiving, we’ve got you covered. We’ve put together ten fun virtual ideas so you can have a celebration to remember.

1. Thanksgiving Pie Cookalong

Nothing says Thanksgiving more than the smell of a pumpkin pie. Pick put the top chef from your group to send out a recipe and ingredient list before Thanksgiving. You can then organize a group call to cook together and see who is the best baker. This Thanksgiving idea can work for either friends and family or your office. Mail out employees the ingredients to make a traditional pumpkin pie. Then, hire a Chef to walk the office through the process in a fun virtual cook along. Cooking is a great way to get everyone in a wholesome mood. Even better, employees can channel their inner Martha Crawford.

2. Virtual Paint and Prosecco

You and your friends or colleagues can set up a video call while painting a picture and enjoying some champagne. This virtual idea is ideal for any weekend plan, but let’s put a Thanksgiving spin on things.What’s more festive than painting a turkey? We think that painting a turkey while sipping on prosecco is the ultimate way to get festive. Send out the materials for painting something festive as well as some beverages. This event brings out everyone’s creative side, ensuring they have a virtual thanksgiving to remember.


3. Thanksgiving-themed Mixology class

Provide employees with the ingredients to make a few Thanksgiving-themed cocktails. Salted caramel espresso martini, apple cider mojito and cinnamon maple whiskey sour will go down a treat. This inventive activity will help your employees forget the pandemic and enjoy the celebrations.

4. Thanksgiving-themed Bingo

Turn “88 – Two Fat Ladies’ into “Two Fat Turkeys”. Design thanksgiving-style Bingo cards to distribute to your team for an unforgettable event that will leave your team with that holiday feeling. Make sure you assign an entertaining host to provide a few laughs while calling the numbers.Of course, prizes are a must in Bingo. You can make your bingo even more entertaining by making people do dares to get their prize. So when you get a line and shout check, you need to do some dare to cash in. Try some festive dares like dancing like a turkey or saying what you’re grateful for.

5. Virtual Care Package

Send your employees a care package to help them feel like you are together apart. Fill the boxes with Thanksgiving-inspired tokens; cinnamon spiced candles, mini pecan pies,  maple syrup, a designed apron, and a spicy scented room spray. This idea will give employees a sense of spirit, even during a virtual thanksgiving.

6. Thanksgiving Award Ceremony

Thank your employees for their hard work and triumphs throughout the year. Assign an MC to host the virtual ceremony to create an exciting atmosphere. Employees deserve praise and recognition for their work, why not thank them with a virtual Thanksgiving ceremony. You could even record the ceremony to send to employees who can’t make it.

7. Virtual Thanksgiving Dinner

Share a virtual meal and remember the things your company was grateful for this year.  Of course you’ll need to send out either a recipe or some food to cook for the meal. You could stick with a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, or try spicing things up with some new recipe ideas. For example, try spicing up your plain brussel sprouts with some bacon and cranberry.. yum!The dinner will give you the chance to discuss the things that your team would like to learn, try, or do more of by next year. A virtual meal is an exciting way to remind us we still have a lot to look forward to after the pandemic.


8. Virtual Shopping Spree

Along with thanksgiving comes, Black Friday! We all love a good discount and what better way to catch up with your friends and family? You could set up a virtual call to talk about the latest sales and discounts. After you’ve picked out the new buys you can set up another virtual event to show the new items to your family. Take a look at some of the Black Friday Sales happening this year.

9. Centerpiece Competition

A centerpiece competition is a modern twist on a Thanksgiving tradition. Mail out employees a box of crafts and give a lesson on how to create a flower arrangement to use as a Thanksgiving centerpiece. It’s an enjoyable exercise to get in the party spirit as well as creating a unique decoration. Then take a vote and see who the most creative of the group is. Be sure to send out a nice prize to the Da Vinci of the group!

10. Capture the Moment

A photo tells a thousand words. Ask employees or friends to take pictures of the virtual Thanksgiving events and share across social media platforms. Assign a designated hashtag to create a virtual holiday buzz. We’re sure that these events should be remembered forever, and what better way to do that than with a photo. You can add some fun filters to the photo to get in the festive mood. Videos are also a great way of capturing your memories. Take a Tic Tok of your event to share your Thanksgiving inspiration with others online.Unsure about what platform to use for your virtual Thanksgiving? Have a look at our article if you’re looking for what features to have in a virtual conferencing platform to ensure your virtual Thanksgiving goes as smoothly as possible.Remo creates an intimate space for you to exchange ideas and engage with the virtual landscape. If personalizing your virtual event is something that you want to learn more about, learn more here. Check out a free trial of Remo for your virtual Thanksgiving festivities and bring out the festive cheer in your virtual team.

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