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10 Do’s and Don’ts For The Virtual Holiday Office Party

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Remo Staff



January 30, 2024

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The holidays season is upon us. Well, this means so are the office Christmas parties. We know this year is like no other – we will be celebrating the year-end together. But, we can still make lasting connections virtually. The office Christmas party is full of merriment. For example, Secret Santa exchanges, holiday trivia quizzes and themed parties. So, don’t forget that this party is still a work event. We have some virtual holiday party tips that will keep you professional.After all, we still need to stick to the same rules as a physical Christmas party. The office Christmas party is about joy but there are still a few rules that apply to virtual parties. We have some virtual holiday party tips that will make your Christmas party a sensation. Here are our top ten do’s and don’ts that every employee should obey if they want to stay in the bosses good books.

1. Don’t: Forget to RSVP

The same invitation etiquette applies to virtual offices parties as traditional ones. Be sure to respond to the party invitation within the required timeframe. The party planner needs to know numbers for icebreakers, activities and Secret Santa. If you can’t attend the virtual office party for any reason, offer a valid reason. If you want to be on good terms with your manager, this is the most important of the virtual holiday party tips.

2. Do: Read the e-invite

The e-invite will tell you about the entertainment, schedule, and what kind of outfit to wear. Hello? Ugly sweater party anyone? Showing up to the virtual office party dressed for a board meeting dampens the festive vibe. Do yourself a favour and read the e-invite a few times.

3. Don’t: Drink too much

If there’s one place you should not lose your senses, it’s at the office Christmas party. We’ve heard of horror stories of employees losing jobs because of office parties. Undoubtedly, it’s one of the most crucial virtual holiday party tips to note if you want to keep your reputation.

4. Do: Mingle

Nobody wants to be the office Grinch. Use the icebreaker activities to get to know some new colleagues or some of the management. Networking is crucial, even at virtual holiday office parties. Additionally, don’t spend the entire party with your usual circle. Try to mingle with co-workers that belong to other areas. Use the breakrooms for networking and learning about other departments. If you are looking for growth within your company, this a must-do on the virtual holiday party tips list.

5. Don’t: Dial-in late

It might be easy to sneak into a traditional office Christmas party. But, it’s not appropriate to dial in late to the virtual office party. To ensure order, the virtual party must follow a schedule. Dialing in late for the virtual awards ceremony might turn a few (virtual) heads. Add this rule to the top of your virtual holiday party tips list.

6. Do: Dress for the theme

When attending an office party, it is key to follow the dress code to get into the holiday spirit. Half of the fun is dressing up and getting on the festive buzz. Don’t be the sore loser who wears a suit or a cocktail dress to the Christmas Pyjama themed party.

7. Don’t: Forget to tell your family/friends not to disturb you

Nobody wants their children in the background of your camera while your virtual party is on. Inform your housemates that your room is off bounds for the virtual office party. This is one of the virtual holiday party tips that is most commonly overlooked.

8. Do: Thank the organisers

When you dial into the virtual office holiday party, thank the party planners and hosts. Send them an IM or chat 1-1 during the event. If you can’t meet them virtually, send them an email. A lot of hard work goes into a virtual office party. To show your appreciation, don’t skip this one on your virtual holiday party tips list.

9. Don’t: Go on your phone

This party is a chance for you to connect with your team virtually. But this isn't possible if you are on your phone. Resist social media and engage with your co-workers and have some phone-free fun.

10. Do: Turn Up to Work the Next Day

Even if you’ve overindulged at the virtual office party, nothing is worse than not turning up the next day. Even if you are bearing a hangover or tiredness, grin and bear it. Most teams will be unwinding before the year-end and laughing about the antics of the party.An amazing virtual office party creates stronger relationships and boosts employee morale. Enjoyed our virtual holiday party tips? Why not check out the complete virtual office holiday party checklist.Are you interested in throwing a virtual holiday party? Then you need the technology to support it – find out more about Remo by booking a free demo with our sales team or watching a product demo today.

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