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5 Virtual Happy Hour Ideas for St. Patrick's Day that will Bring You Luck!

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January 30, 2024

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Are you looking to spice up your workplace during a lockdown? Virtual team building is so important to keep up morale! St Patrick’s Day is coming up and there’s no better excuse for a happy hour. Check out this article on our top 5 Virtual Happy Hour Ideas for St. Patrick’s Day.

What is St. Patrick’s Day?

Have you ever wondered why there are no snakes in Ireland? Legend has it that many years ago a man called Patrick banished all the snakes away from this Island. Since then, he has become the patron saint of Ireland. But of course, the 17th of March is not only celebrated in Ireland. Ireland is one of the most diverse countries in the world so many countries celebrate the day. No matter where your office is based St. Patrick’s Day is the perfect excuse for a happy hour. We all miss the social events we had in the office before lockdown. So let’s make an effort with a virtual happy hour to mark this occasion.

Do you want to make your happy hour special? Look no further, we’re here to share our top virtual happy hour ideas for St. Patrick’s Day.

St. Patrick’s Day Activities:

Here are some st. Patrick’s day ideas you can do during the day or during your happy hour.

1. Dress Fancy - Fun Costumes

Challenge your colleagues to dress up in the brightest shade of green they can find! People can dress up in different Irish-themed costumes and then vote on the best outfit. Everyone gets a laugh and of course, the winner gets a prize. Can you think of a funnier virtual happy hour idea? You might send out a dress-up bag with some props to get people going. You could include the following items:

  • Facepaint
  • T-shirts you can design
  • Hair Dye
  • Hats
  • Wigs

Of course, again offer a prize to the best talent of the group. You could also share pictures of the costumes on your company page.

2. Talent contest

Nothing gets the conversation going like a good talent contest. A great virtual happy hour idea for a light-hearted Friday evening. Make the talent contest Irish-themed to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Some Irish talents people could try include:

  • Irish dancing
  • The tin whistle
  • Reading an Irish poem
  • Speaking a few words in Irish or As Gaeilge

3. Drink tasting

Drinks are always a good virtual happy hour idea. Ireland, being famous for its pubs has some tasty drinks you can send to your colleagues. Here are some Irish drinks you could send out:

  • A fresh can of Bulmers from County Tipperary
  • The famous Guinness made in Dublin
  • Dingle Gin produced in Kerry
  • Creamy Baileys which is great for a dessert
  • Jameson for an Irish coffee

A few drinks will get your colleagues chatting. This will make your event great fun or ‘craic’ as they call it in Ireland.

4. Irish cook along

What’s the most important part of any holiday? Food of course- the more the better! Irish food has plenty of tasty ideas for your virtual happy hour. Take a look at some recipes and make a shopping list. Once your colleagues have everything prepared you can join together to cook. Here is some great cook along ideas that will water your mouth:

  • Irish stew
  • Bacon and cabbage
  • Soda bread
  • Shepherd’s pie

You could also combine our drink and food ideas and wash down your dinner with an Irish coffee!

5. Storytime

Ireland isn’t called the island of Saints and Scholars for no reason. The country is full of beautiful stories and poetry that have inspired the world. Some fable ideas for your virtual event include:

  • Cucúlin
  • Tir Na nÓg
  • Children of Leer

To make the story time more interactive you could ask your colleagues to write their own too. After a couple of Irish drinks, the creative juices will be flowing! Who knows, you could find the next James Joyce at your happy hour virtual event.

St-Patrick’s day games

Here are some virtual games you can do during your St. Patty virtual party.

1. Scavenger hunt

A scavenger hunt is always a fun way to get your St. Patrick’s day party started. Ask your team to go search for a pot of gold, a leprechaun, a shamrock, gold coins, green beer, something green, or any other Saint Patrick’s day themed items. The first to bring it on the Zoom call (or even better the Remo call) wins! It’s a nice icebreaker activity to start with.

2. St. Patrick’s day trivia game

Prepare a list of trivia questions to ask your team, and maybe offer a prize to the winner, why not a pot of gold? You can do the same for easter, valentine’s day, or any other themed party game night.

3. St. Patrick’s day bingo

A Bingo game always makes a fun game night, it’s easy to find printable games and bingo cards online or you can DIY your own cards.

4. St. Patrick’s day word search or word scramble

Word puzzles are a fun way to work together on something and have fun! There are multiple word puzzles available online, you can simply screen share the puzzle and work together on solving it, either table by table, or in presentation mode.

How do I host my St. Patrick's day virtual happy hour?

virtual happy hour st-patricks day
Get this St. paddy's day floor plan on Remo

If you want to put our ideas to practice and host a virtual happy hour look no further. At Remo, we have the perfect virtual events platform to connect with your colleagues. We even have a themed floor plan you can use to really put everyone in st. paddy mode! 

You can go from table to table, discuss with whoever you want, then go on presentation mode for some slideshows or games.

With our interactive features, you will have the best virtual St. Patrick’s Day. If you’d like to see how our platform works check out our online product tour. Also, we offer a free demo, so you can see Remo in action and how it can match your exact event needs!

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