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The Best Virtual Event Platforms

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Hoyin Cheung

11 mins



May 3, 2024

List of best virtual event platforms
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In this article, we'll be covering a list of the best virtual event platforms available in today's market, so you can make an informed decision about which event platform is best for your upcoming event. We'll focus on each platform’s unique features, suitability for different event types and how they measure against a set of decision criteria. This will help provide an in-depth virtual event platform comparison, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each platform. Whether you’re planning a large online conference or a small virtual gathering, this list will help you find an event platform that aligns perfectly with your event needs.

So, here are five of the top virtual event platforms:


1. Remo

Remo is a dynamic virtual event and conference platform renowned for its commitment to humanizing the online experience. Its focus on creating immersive and interactive experiences has positioned it as a top choice for any event where engagement is key. Remo is particularly favored for events focused on networking and genuine connections, offering unique features like avatar-based interactions and virtual breakout rooms.

Favorite Features: 

  • Free Attendee Movement Between Breakout Rooms: Tables function as private breakout rooms that attendees can move freely in and out of just as they would at a physical event.
  • Custom Floorplans: Create visually stunning event environments with fully customized floorplans to immerse your guests in your experience.
  • Wide Variety of Audience Engagement Tools: A wide array of engagement tools including live quizzes, real-time reactions, and interactive booths.
  •  Easy Event Setup: Quick and simple event setup, allowing events to be ready in under 5 minutes.

Comparison to Key Criteria (ratings out of 5 stars):

Event Requirements: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Hosts up to 1000 attendees in one event space, with options to link multiple events for larger attendee requirements.
  • Versatile for various session types including breakout sessions, panel discussions, keynotes, speed networking, and more.

User Experience & Interface: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Intuitive design allows guests to navigate around an event space easily.
  • The interface is designed to mimic physical event spaces to provide a familiar and natural environment for guests.
  • Quick setup for event organizers enables efficient event management and planning.

Interactive Features: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Remo reports 3.2x more engagement at their events compared to more traditional virtual conference software.
  • Offers all expected engagement features, like polling or live chat, and less common features like quizzes or the ability to bring guests onto stage.
  • Remo’s interactive features facilitate active participation from attendees and keep them engaged throughout the event.

Support Services: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Exceptional customer support, featuring a dedicated team and extensive guides for full assistance.
  • Offers multiple live support options, including email with your dedicated account manager, and chat to ensure immediate help in urgent situations.
  • Includes a robust help center, an academy, and detailed guides for both organizers and attendees to learn how to use Remo.

Customization Capabilities: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Remo offers extensive branding and customization options to create fully immersive online experiences.
  • Customization options range from adding logos to fully designed virtual venues.
  • Organizers can choose from default floorplans, purchase ready-made floorplans, or connect with Remo designers for bespoke floorplans.

Reputation & Reviews: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Remo carries a 4.4 out of 5 star rating on both independent review platforms - G2 and Capterra.
  • Provides a range of success stories and customer testimonials available on the website
  • Reviews mostly regard Remo as an interactive and enjoyable platform for both virtual events and conferences.

Price: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Pricing plans are based on just expected attendance and event duration, making them very flexible.
  • All Remo features are included in all plans giving you full freedom over what to use, unlike other virtual event platforms.
  • Provides a free personalized demo to demonstrate how Remo can best support your planned event and discuss budget.

Privacy & Security: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Remo is compliant with both ISO 27001 and SOC II Type 2 certifications.
  • Provides a detailed privacy policy outlining all their information and data security measures.

Integration Capabilities: ⭐⭐⭐

  • Offers a Zapier integration, so you can connect Remo to a variety of other tools.
  • Provides a Custom SSO option for seamless attendee login.

Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Remo is ideal for interactive, networking-focused events rather than events with a heavy focus on content broadcasting or traditional one-way presentations.
  • Integration capabilities are limited to Zapier, with no native integrations or a public API available at the moment.
  • Remo is a browser-based platform, so no downloads are required, but a good internet connection is a must.

Remo stands out for creating engaging, networking-centric virtual events and conferences. As an avatar-based virtual event platform, it offers a unique and immersive experience for attendees. This makes it an excellent choice for events or conferences where interaction and personal connections are paramount.

2. Airmeet

Airmeet stands out for its versatility in accommodating various virtual event formats, particularly conferences and fairs. It offers a range of functionalities aimed at enhancing attendee interaction and engagement. While it's recognized for efficient handling of large-scale events, its approach to virtual spaces is what sets it apart, offering a unique blend of usability and feature variety.

Favorite Features: 

  • Robust Analytics Suite: Offers comprehensive post-event data insights, allowing organizers to measure event success accurately.
  • Fluid Spaces: A newer feature to Airmeet, fluid spaces allow attendees to recreate those serendipitous conversations for better networking
  • Highlight Q&A and Polls Onstage: Organizers can push questions or polls directly onto the stage for easier interaction during presentations.

Comparison to Key Criteria (ratings out of 5 stars):

Event Requirements: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Capable of scaling up to 100,000 attendees, making it suitable for larger events.
  • Built for a large range of event types from town halls to award ceremonies.

User Experience & Interface: ⭐⭐⭐

  • Offers a clean interface, but it can be complex for new attendees, particularly those not tech-savvy.
  • The event setup process can be overwhelming due to its complexity and multitude of options.

Interactive Features: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Includes all standard interactive features, such as polls, Q&A, and live chat.
  • Provides a solid range of networking options including breakout rooms and fluid spaces.
  • Offers a few features specific for enhancing engagement during presentations, like the ability to bring attendees onto the stage.

Support Services: ⭐⭐⭐

  • Offers around-the-clock live support lounge and a general email support channel, but email support’s response time has been noted as inconsistent.
  • Has a comprehensive knowledge base that addresses both feature-related inquiries and troubleshooting suggestions.

Customization Capabilities: ⭐⭐

  • Limited customization options within events which restricts the branding potential for events.
  • Customization options are basic, including changing the background image, adjusting colors, and adding a logo.
  • For an additional cost, there is an option for a custom domain, however this comes with its own set of limitations.

Reputation & Reviews: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Holds a strong 4.5 rating on G2 and 4.4 on Capterra, albeit from a relatively small number of reviews.
  • Provides a catalog of success stories and customer testimonials available to review on the website.
  • Generally praised for its wide range of features and suitability for various event types, but also reference the need for improvements in pricing and support.

Price: ⭐⭐

  • Many independent reviews cite Airmeet as being more expensive compared to other event platforms on the market.
  • Pricing details beyond the base tier are not transparent and require consultation for a starting price.
  • Offers a free plan for first-time users or organizers looking to host small events (up to 50 people)

Privacy & Security: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Airmeet is compliant with major security standards including ISO 27001 and SOC II Type 2.
  • Provides a privacy policy on their website detailing their organizational security measures.
  • Maintains a dedicated in-house security team for questions about their security practices.

Integration Capabilities: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Offers multiple integration possibilities covering a wide range of categories from Marketing tools to Polls & Surveys.
  • Some integrations are natively built, but others require Zapier as an intermediary, so we recommend checking which integrations you require first.

Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Airmeet’s extensive features come with a steep learning curve for both organizers and attendees. 
  • Customization opportunities are more limited compared to other virtual event platforms, which might affect in-event branding efforts.
  • The platform’s pricing is on the higher end, and does not offer any discounts for annual or non-profit plans.

Airmeet is a strong contender for diverse virtual event formats, especially with its social lounge and presentation features. However, its user interface complexity and limited customization options could be drawbacks for some organizers. It's an effective platform for basic events but may require supplemental tools for more interactive or uniquely branded events.

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3. Zoom

Zoom, widely recognized for its video conferencing capabilities, has also made its mark in the virtual events sector. It’s known for its ease of use and reliability, making it a go-to for many event organizers hosting simple virtual meetings or events. While Zoom excels in facilitating virtual meetings and webinars, its range of interactive features are somewhat limited compared to specialized event platforms.

Favorite Features:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Renowned for its simplicity and ease of use, Zoom is accessible even for those less tech-savvy, although with limited customization.
  • Reliable Video and Audio Quality: With its extensive experience in hosting meetings, Zoom consistently delivers high-quality video and audio for smooth communication.
  • Zoom Breakout Rooms: Allows for multiple simultaneous group discussions within a larger event.
  • Touch Up Appearance: Provides the option to smooth your skin, remove dark circles, and beautify your face in a single click.

Comparison to Key Criteria (ratings out of 5 stars):

Event Requirements: ⭐⭐⭐

  • Suitable for small to medium-sized events but may struggle with larger, more complex virtual conferences.
  • Host up to a maximum of 500 participants in a single event depending on the plan selected.
  • Caters to a wide range of event types, but is mostly focused on virtual meetings and webinars.

User Experience & Interface: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Familiar and straightforward interface that most users are already comfortable using.
  • Has a relatively dull interface and lacks the immersive feel of more specialized virtual event platforms, like Remo.
  • Offers a browser-based as well as a desktop and mobile application for easy access.

Interactive Features: ⭐⭐⭐

  • Provide the basic interactive tools, like polling and Q&A, but lack more advanced engagement features.
  • Most features focus on enhancing the interactivity of presentations, however, less focus on improving engagement during the networking or workshop portions of a virtual event.

Support Services: ⭐⭐⭐

  • Features a good variety of support channels including a knowledge base, live chatbot, how to videos, and a customer community.
  • In-event live chat support is not available within events for attendee use
  • Offers live chat support for organizers, but it is with a chatbot rather than a real person.
  • Significant number of users have complained about delays in getting assistance or a lack of response.

Customization Capabilities:

  • Offers little to no customization opportunities for events with the exception of the waiting room and registration page (only for webinars).
  • Not ideal for events, conferences, or meetings that require any form of unique branding or customization.

Reputation & Reviews: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Holds a strong 4.4 rating on G2 and 4.7 on Capterra for the Zoom Events and Webinar product.
  • Has a very well-known reputation across the virtual platform industry for a wide range of event types; from virtual meetings to webinars.
  • Reviews are generally in favor of its reliability and ease of use, but note technical glitches and a lack of support as lacking.

Price: ⭐⭐⭐

  • Competitive pricing, particularly attractive for smaller virtual events or online meetings.
  • Majority of plans are self-service so pricing is transparent on the website and organizers can subscribe immediately by themselves.
  • Pricing plans for Zoom vary significantly, with different plan structures for each of its products and tailored pricing based on the user's industry.
  • Provides a free tier for its standard product, albeit with limited features and duration, but does not offer a free plan for its Zoom Events and Webinars product.

Privacy & Security: ⭐⭐⭐

  • Zoom is compliant with ISO 27001 and both types of SOC II certifications.
  • Previously faced significant security issues, including lack of end to end encryption, unauthorized transfer of personal data to third-party apps, and the widely known “Zoombombing”.

Integration Capabilities: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Provides an extensive Zoom App Marketplace featuring 3rd party integrations covering a wide range of categories.
  • Offers the option to build custom app integrations as well or connect Zoom via Zapier.

Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Zoom is ideal for straightforward meetings or webinars but may not meet the demands of large, complex virtual events.
  • There are very limited customization options, which can restrict creative freedom and branding opportunities.
  • Best suited for organizers prioritizing simplicity and familiarity over interactive and engaging virtual event experiences.

Zoom offers a reliable and user-friendly platform, mainly for webinars and meetings. However, it may not fully cater to the dynamic and interactive needs of diverse virtual events. Its familiarity is a plus, but for more engaging, networking-centric events, platforms like Remo could offer more necessary features.

4. vFairs

Known for its immersive 3D environments featuring interactive virtual booths, vFairs stands out as a notable player in the events platform market. With a heavy focus on virtual hiring events, trade shows, and exhibitions, it aims at improving the way vendors interact with attendees online. While vFairs excels in creating visually appealing virtual spaces, its platform presents a steeper learning curve compared to other more straightforward event solutions.

Favorite Features:

  • Gamification Elements: Provides a wide array of gamification elements for online events, including leaderboards, spin the wheel, and trivia quizzes.
  • 3D Virtual Environment: Events are hosted in a 3D environment that replicates the look and feel of a physical event space.
  • AI-Powered Marketing: Offers an AI writing assistant to help organizers draft marketing content much faster, including virtual event agenda, email invites, and speaker bios.

Comparison to Key Criteria (ratings out of 5 stars):

Event Requirements: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • vFairs excels in handling larger-scale events of up to 10,000 attendees (but depends on the session formats used).
  • Can host most event types, but is best suited for events with a vendor-attendee model, like online hiring events, trade shows, or exhibitions.

User Experience & Interface: ⭐⭐⭐

  • 3D environment provides an interesting interface, but can be overwhelming for first-time attendees
  • Less intuitive to navigate vFairs’s 3D venues compared to other platforms
  • Some users note complexities with setting up events, requiring a lot of time to learn the platform effectively before being able to use it.

Interactive Features: ⭐⭐⭐

  • Offers some innovative features for networking, like smart matchmaking, gamification, and meeting schedulers.
  • Most features are aimed at improving interaction during networking, however, there is a lack of interactive features speakers can use to engage an audience during webinars or presentations.
  • Pioneered virtual booths to redefine the vendor-attendee interaction at online fairs. 

Support Services: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Offers multiple support channels for organizers, including live 24/7 chat support, as well as a dedicated project manager for each event or account.
  • Provides a robust set of demo videos and guides, but most focus on the importance of online events rather than how to use vFairs
  • Knowledge base is available, however is hard to locate through their website alone.

Customization Capabilities: ⭐⭐⭐

  • Provides a considerable amount of customization options for virtual booths, including color and documents to display.
  • Offers little customization options for the 3D venue space, mostly limited to color. Full custom designs depend on the plan selected and come at an additional cost.
  • Attendees have the option to self-select their own avatar.

Reputation & Reviews: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Holds a commendable 4.7 rating on G2 and 4.8 on Capterra
  • Provides a wide variety of success stories and customer testimonials on its website for potential customers to review.
  • Reviews note a great appreciation for their dedicated support team, however some reference the need for a simpler interface and improved analytics.


  • Offers a choice in subscription length by offering both a per-event and annual plan (however, there are no monthly or quarterly plans available).
  • vFairs' annual plans are priced based on feature inclusion and registration numbers (not actual attendees)
  • Pricing is not transparent on the website, it requires a consultation to even get an idea of how much a virtual event costs on vFairs (however, past reviews have mentioned its relatively more expensive than competitors).

Privacy & Security: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • vFairs is compliant with ISO 27001 and both types of SOC II certifications.
  • Provides a detailed and well-maintained privacy policy outlining their data protection measures.

Integration Capabilities: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Provides a solid number of native integrations including ChatGPT, Slido, and Zoom.
  • Supports a Zapier integration, so organizers can connect vFairs to other 3rd party applications as well via Zapier.

Things to Keep in Mind:

  • vFairs’ 3D environments and extensive features come with a steeper learning curve for both organizers and attendees, requiring additional time and effort to use the platform.
  • The pricing model for annual plans is based on number of registrations, rather than attendees, which may not be cost-effective given registration numbers will always be higher than actual participants.
  • Whilst vFairs offers a unique twist on the virtual venue, it does not offer the significant customization options (especially creating a custom virtual venue which requires time and money).

vFairs, with its immersive 3D environments and focus on vendor-attendee interactions, offers a unique approach to virtual events, particularly job fairs and trade shows. However, its learning curve and pricing model can pose some challenges to organizers. While offering strong features like gamification and virtual booths, it may require more investment in both time and cost.

There you have it! A list of the top 4 best virtual event platforms. Curious to learn more about Remo's? Check out all that our top-rated Virtual Event Platform has to offer.

Hoyin Cheung

Hoyin Cheung is the Founder & CEO of Remo, where he focuses on enhancing the authenticity of connections at virtual events. With a wealth of experience in event planning, he translates his insights into compelling content aimed at improving virtual interactions. His mission is to empower event professionals with practical tips to foster genuine connections in every virtual gathering.

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