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Your Virtual Networking 101 Guide: Everything You Need to Know About How to Host a Virtual Networking Event

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Remo Staff

Zainab Asad

10 mins



August 27, 2024

Your Guide on How to Host a Virtual Networking Event
Table of Contents

How do you create meaningful online connections in a world saturated with virtual events? We’ve all been there—wondering what can make our event stand out and genuinely engage attendees. No one wants their participants to feel disconnected or bored, staring mindlessly at a screen.

But, how can you make your events memorable – and more importantly, where do you begin…

Well, you can start with this article! We’ve compiled the ultimate guide on how to host a virtual networking event, so you can easily follow along. It will also share some actionable tips and tricks to help you turn your gathering into an engaging, connection-driven experience. Ready to transform your online event into a networking powerhouse? Let’s dive in!


1. Set a Goal

Set a Goal for Your Virtual Event

First things first – decide what you want to achieve with your virtual networking event. Are you aiming to land new clients, spread the word about your brand, or build a community? Knowing your goal is like having a roadmap—it will guide every decision you make, from the format of your event to the tools you use.

With your goal decided, it’s time to define specific aims and objectives. These are targets you set for yourself which you can then use to measure event success. For example, say your goal is to foster attendee connections; then you might aim for 50 new professional connections formed or 80% attendee engagement in breakout sessions. These goals and targets help you design a focused event and provide clear benchmarks to measure your event’s success post-event. Now that you have a clear direction, it’s time to choose the perfect stage for your virtual event.

2. Choose a Virtual Networking Platform

Overwhelmed by virtual networking platform options? Choosing the right platform can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. So, we’ve compiled a curated list of the top 3 for you to choose from. 

Before we dive into that, let’s first discuss some of the key factors you should consider when evaluating virtual networking solutions:

  • Budget: The virtual platform you choose will likely be the biggest expense of your virtual event – so make sure you’re choosing a platform that fits within your budget. Consider also the platform’s pricing structure – do they charge by registrations or attendees? Do they give you unlimited events or charge per event? Are the features you need included on all plans or charged separately?
  • Level of Support: Let’s face it – you can plan for fifty what-ifs, but eventually you may have to deal with an issue you didn’t think of. That’s where having a reliable support team comes handy. In these cases, it is incredibly helpful and reassuring to know you’ve got a dedicated team to help you out (should you need it) –especially if you’re dealing with technical or platform issues. We recommend reading up on a few G2 or Capterra reviews to evaluate a platform’s level of customer support.
  • Features: This can depend on your event plan, which we’ll discuss later in this article, but there are a few basic networking features your chosen platform must have. For example:
    • Breakout Rooms – these allow for multiple audio-video group conversations to happen simultaneously
    • Live Audio-Video Interactions – it’s not very helpful for networking if attendees can only interact via chat. Make sure your platform also lets participants engage in real-time visual communication
    • Free Movement – let guests move freely between breakout rooms so they can choose who to connect with for a more genuine networking experience
    • Attendee Profiles –  let attendees get to know one another before even starting a conversation
    • Chat – provides a way for guests to still interact with one another even during a presentation, not to mention chat can be very useful for conversation starters or prompts.
    • Visual Event Space – allow guests to actually see who is present at which table before deciding who or what table to join
Examples of virtual event networking features such as audio-video conversations, reactions, participants list, and attendee profiles

Now, let’s explore 3 of the top virtual networking platforms:

  1. Remo
Remo Logo

Remo is one of the most innovative virtual platforms out there. With features like immersive floor plans, interactive chat, and shuffle guests, the platform creates a realistic and engaging networking experience. 

Imagine moving between virtual tables, conversing with new people, and participating in fun icebreakers. Remo makes it easy to connect and build genuine relationships online.

Want to learn more about why Remo is your perfect virtual networking platform? Set up a demo today!

  1. Cvent
Cvent Logo

Cvent is another major player in the virtual event world, known for its ability to host large-scale, branded events. It simplifies many tasks, from registration to post-event analytics, and can integrate with sales tools to track attendee interest. However, while Cvent offers a comprehensive suite of features, its complexity can be overwhelming for some users. 

Want to see how Cvent stacks up against Remo? Check out our deep dive "Cvent Review: A Virtual Event Solution Review"

  1. vFairs
vFairs Logo

vFairs is a leading platform that excels in hosting virtual, hybrid, and in-person events. It's user-friendly and offers extensive customization options to tailor experiences for your attendees. Interactive features like real-time text, audio, and video communication enhance networking opportunities, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of events.

To explore more virtual networking platforms and understand how they stack up, check out our article on the 10 Best Virtual Networking Platforms of 2024.

Once you've picked your virtual platform, you can then focus on planning your online networking event.

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3. Pre-Event Preparations

Checklist for Organizing a Successful Virtual Networking Gathering

Think of your virtual event platform as the foundation of your house; now that it's in place, it's time to build the structure around it. During the planning phase, you'll focus on critical tasks like understanding your target audience, picking out the right formats, promoting the event, and preparing your guests. This is where you ensure every detail is in place so your virtual networking event runs smoothly and achieves its goals.

Understanding Your Target Audience

Event planning starts with your guest list! The right mix of attendees can make or break your event, so it's essential to carefully consider who to invite and how many to include. 

Let’s start with “who” – understanding your target audience is an essential first step to event planning. Think about things like what do they care about? Where do they go online? What’s their familiarity with technology? Figuring this out is key, because that is what will help you formulate your event plan. For example, if you know their interests, you can choose discussion topics that’ll grab their attention. Or, if you know where they spend their time online, you’ll know exactly where to promote your event. It’s all about making sure your event clicks with the right people and sparks the kind of engagement you’re aiming for.  

Now, let’s discuss how many to invite. Remember, a diverse group will enhance the networking experience by offering a broader range of expertise and opportunities for meaningful connections. But, keep in mind you also want to make sure attendees have some common interests to spark conversations. So, don’t just stick to your usual contacts; reach out to others as well who might be interested in what you’re hosting. Whatever you do, just remember to keep the guest list manageable—too many people can make it hard to connect and keep things running smoothly.

Choose the Right Event Format 

When you’re planning your networking event, it’s important to consider what sessions or event formats to include. Shaking up the event format is a superb way to keep your audience engaged. Think of it like a playlist: just as you wouldn’t want to listen to the same song on repeat, you don’t want your attendees to experience the same type of session throughout the event. Including a mix of keynote speeches, rountables, speed networking, or casual breakout room conversations keeps the energy high and the interactions fresh. While variety is key though, ensure you also give participants enough time between sessions to mingle or have a break. 

Whatever format(s) you decide to go for, this will also have an impact on the virtual networking platform you use. For example, if you plan to host a speed networking session, you’ll need tools like a timer, breakout rooms, random or assigned participant shuffles, prompts, among others. Keep that in mind when selecting a platform to find one that has all the features you need to bring your event vision to life. 

With an outline of your event agenda, it’s time to consider how you’ll spread the word about it to prospective attendees.

How will the Event be Promoted?

Marketing. Marketing. And did I mention marketing? You can design and plan the world's best event, but no one will know about it without effective promotion. To ensure your virtual networking event reaches the right audience, you'll need to focus on the proper channels and messaging.

Start by identifying the best channels to reach your target audience—social media platforms like LinkedIn, industry-specific forums, or email newsletters. The channels you choose will directly impact who hears about your event, so it's crucial to pick the ones that align with your audience.

Equally important is your messaging. Craft compelling, clear, and engaging messages that resonate with your audience and get them excited about attending. This could include highlighting the unique networking opportunities, featuring key speakers, or offering early-bird incentives. Remember, it's not just about sending out emails—it's about creating a buzz that makes people want to attend.

While many virtual event platforms offer tools like landing pages and automated reminder emails, these should complement, not replace, a well-thought-out marketing strategy. Platforms like Remo provide AI-driven marketing features, but the success of your event promotion ultimately depends on how well you use these tools to reach the right audience and deliver the right message.

Prepare Guests 

Preparation doesn't end once your guests have registered for your event; it's crucial to continue engaging them even before the event starts. Effective follow-up communication can build excitement, set clear expectations, and increase attendance.

After registration, send out a series of follow-up messages to keep your event front and center in attendees’ minds. Include details on what they can expect, any necessary pre-event information, and how to make the most of their experience. You should also include a quick demo video or a short infographic on using the virtual platform, ensuring everyone feels comfortable and ready on the day. Check out Remo's publicly available mini demo for attendees

Additionally, this is an excellent opportunity to check if any attendees need special accommodations to ensure an inclusive experience. You'll help your guests feel prepared and excited for the event by actively communicating and providing helpful resources.

4. During the Event

Now that you’ve nailed the basics of hosting a virtual networking event, it’s time to focus on how you can be a better host during the event itself. This is where you move from “planner” to “facilitator” of meaningful networking and ensure that your event truly shines. Trust me, with the right approach, this part is much easier.

Start with a Warm Welcome

Greet your guests with a warm welcome, like a message outlining the event's goals, what they can expect, and the agenda. Remember, people network best when they feel comfortable, and your role as an active host is critical to creating that atmosphere.

Concerned about guests not mingling? Help them out by making quick introductions. Move around the event, introduce people to each other, and keep the conversation flowing. Don't hesitate to discuss, mix things up, or kick off a new networking activity if you notice a lull!

Provide a Platform Demo

New things can feel overwhelming at first, so it's perfectly normal if your guests feel lost… but, it’s not normal if they continue feeling it. To help everyone feel at ease, we recommend giving a quick tour of the platform right at the beginning of the event.

A short demo video or live walkthrough can make a huge difference. Show them how to use key features, like joining breakout rooms, using the chat function, or accessing event materials. This introduction will help prevent confusion and ensure everyone is on the same page, setting a positive tone and making guests feel more confident and ready to dive into networking.

Facilitate Structured Networking Activities

Speaking of… how do you turn a virtual room full of strangers into a buzzing network of connections? With some fun networking activities, of course! Plan various engaging activities to keep the energy high and the networking going. Best of all, you've got plenty of options to choose from. You could set up breakout rooms, host a Q&A session, or even play a game. The possibilities are endless!

The most important aspect of hosting these sessions is understanding your audience. For example, if your participants are shy or hesitant to network freely, consider including ice-breaker activities to help them feel more at ease (Remo even has a great AI Icebreaker Question Generator).

5. After the Event

Follow Up with Attendees after the Virtual Event

Don't let the party end just yet! Following up after your event is like the encore to a great concert. It's your chance to keep the energy going, thank people for coming, and see what they think. Not to mention, it's your golden opportunity to learn what worked and what didn't.

Follow Up

The event may be over, but there are still a few essential tasks left. Want to know how your guests felt about it? Start by sending out thank-you emails—keep them short and sweet to show your appreciation. 

But don’t stop there! Gather feedback to see how your guests really felt. Send out quick surveys or questionnaires to capture their thoughts. Adding a voucher or gift certificate can make it even more valuable. Combine this with the analytics from your event platform, and you’ve got a recipe for improving your next event.

And here’s a pro tip: keep the momentum going by sharing post-event content, like a highlight reel, the presentation slide deck, or a summary of the key takeaways. This extends the life of your event and keeps your attendees engaged and excited for what’s next (not to mention everyone loves a free goodie bag!).

Analyze Event Metrics

Now that your event has wrapped up, it's time to dive into the data. Analyzing event metrics is crucial for understanding what went well and where there's room for improvement.

Start by revisiting your initial goals. For instance, if your aim was to build a vibrant community, check how many new connections were made. Did you hit that target? Why or why not?

Next, dig into critical metrics like attendance rates, participant engagement, and interaction levels. Review how many people joined breakout sessions, participated in polls, or asked questions. Look for insights on session duration and peak engagement times. This will give you a clear picture of what worked and what didn't.

By linking these metrics to your goals, you can pinpoint trends and preferences and adjust your strategy for future events. It's like tuning your performance based on the crowd's reaction—an essential step to improving your next event.

Plan for Future Events

Once you’ve gathered and analyzed your event data, it’s time to turn those insights into action. Start by identifying trends and evaluating which activities were the most successful and which areas need improvement.

Combine the feedback from your surveys with the analytics from your event platform to get a complete picture. For example, if participants loved a particular session but felt it was lacking in other areas, use this information to pinpoint what resonated with your audience and what didn’t.

With this data in hand, set new goals for your next event. Explore innovative ideas and refine your strategies based on past successes. By learning from the past and planning for the future, you’ll be well-equipped to elevate your next virtual gathering.

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Common Pitfalls When Planning a Virtual Networking Event

Don’ts of Hosting a Virtual Networking Event

We've discussed the do’s of hosting a virtual networking event. Now, let's take a quick look at the don'ts. 

  • DON'T Overload the Agenda: While packing your event with activities is tempting, too many can overwhelm participants and reduce engagement. Stick to a well-structured agenda with ample time for networking and interaction.
  • DON'T Ignore Technical Issues: Consider the importance of a smooth technical setup. Make sure your platform is tested and reliable. Address any technical issues before the event starts to avoid disruptions.
  • DON'T Neglect Engagement: Attendees might feel disconnected if you don't actively facilitate interaction. Avoid letting participants drift into passive observation. Engage with them through activities, discussions, and breakout rooms.
  • DON'T Forget to Follow Up: The event continues even after the last session ends. Skipping follow-up communications can leave participants feeling unappreciated. Always send thank-you notes and gather feedback to keep the conversation going.

Virtual Event Networking Ideas

You’ve nailed the basics of hosting a virtual networking event, but now, let’s take it up a notch. Why settle for a standard event when you can infuse it with creative networking ideas that captivate and engage your attendees?

Here we’ll cover a few innovative virtual networking ideas that can elevate your event. From interactive icebreakers to themed discussion rooms, these ideas will help you foster connections and ensure your event stands out. Let’s take a look!

  1. Roundtable or Breakout Room Discussions
Users Move Across Virtual Tables to Start New Conversations in a Remo Event

Roundtable or breakout room discussions are small, focused group conversations that make networking quick and engaging. Each group, ideally 8-10 participants, has a moderator and a set topic for in-depth discussion. This setup keeps conversations focused, allowing attendees to switch between groups, meet new people, and dive into meaningful interactions without small talk.

  1. Human Bingo!
Virtual Human Bingo

Revamp a classic with a virtual twist—networking bingo! Attendees get a bingo card with fun facts about others, like "Find someone who loves swimming." As they mingle and find matches, they mark off their cards. It's a unique, engaging way to spark conversations and connect with new people lightheartedly.

  1. Virtual Lunch/Dinner
Remo’s Online Team Lunch

Have you ever tried incorporating food into your virtual networking event? Try adding a virtual dinner, lunch, or tea party session to your event! Keep it simple and let everyone order their favorite food or pre-plan a full menu and take orders. Whichever option, it’s a great way to start conversations and help people connect more naturally in a comfortable setting.

Want to see more ideas? Check out “3 Creative Virtual Networking Event Ideas to Try” for more fun activities!

Ready to Host Your Next Virtual Networking Event?

Hosting a successful virtual networking event involves thoughtful planning, engaging activities, and effective use of technology. You can create an environment that fosters meaningful connections by selecting the right platform, preparing thoroughly, and incorporating interactive elements. 

Remember, the key to hosting a virtual networking event is making participants feel comfortable and engaged. With these tips and strategies, you're well on your way to hosting an event that leaves a lasting impression and builds valuable networks. 

Ready to host your virtual networking event? Discover how Remo's immersive environment can elevate your virtual event experience. Book a demo today to experience the Remo difference for yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions About How to Host a Virtual Networking Event

  1. What is the best way to choose a virtual event platform?

When selecting a virtual event platform, consider factors like ease of use, available features (such as breakout rooms and chat functions), and the ability to customize the experience. Look for platforms with strong support and reliability to ensure a smooth event.

  1. How can I keep participants engaged during a virtual networking event?

To maintain engagement, incorporate interactive activities like breakout sessions, Q&A panels, and networking games. Regularly facilitate conversations, use icebreakers, and provide opportunities for participants to interact and share interests.

  1. What should I do after the virtual networking event?

After the event, send out thank-you emails to show appreciation and gather feedback through surveys. Analyze event metrics to understand what worked well and what could be improved, and use these insights to enhance future events.

Zainab Asad

Zainab Asad is a Content Writer at Remo, contributing to the platform's mission of fostering authentic virtual connections. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for effective communication, she crafts engaging content that empowers event professionals to create memorable virtual experiences.

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