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The Ultimate Guide to Hosting a Virtual Conference in 2024

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June 12, 2024

Table of Contents

What Are Virtual Conferences and Hybrid Events?

The Many Benefits of Virtual Conferences

Exploring Types of Virtual Events

Virtual Conference Best Practices: Key Principles for Success

Setting Goals and a Budget for Your Virtual Conference

Selecting the Right or Best Virtual Event Platform

Designing the Event and Creating Event Agenda

How to Increase Virtual Conference Audience Engagement

Virtual Event Marketing Strategies: Get a Full House of Registrations & Attendees

How to Run a Successful Virtual Conference that People Want to Attend

Post-Event Analysis and Engagement

The Future of Virtual Event Hosting: 2024 Virtual Event Trends

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Virtual Conferences and Hybrid Events?

Chances are you’ve already attended a virtual conference or event, whether it was a digital workshop, an online webinar, or even a virtual hiring event. But, what is a virtual conference or virtual event? In simple terms, it is a purposeful gathering of people from around the world that happens entirely online.

In the past, concerns about forming genuine connections and battling zoom fatigue held back the appeal of virtual conferences and events. Today, event organizers and marketers are fully embracing the immense opportunities they offer. From reaching a wider audience to substantial cost savings, online events have firmly established their presence in the modern events industry.

As we become more comfortable with virtual experiences, the line between virtual and in-person events is blurring. This shift has given rise to two innovative event formats: hybrid events and live virtual events. Hybrid events combine the energy of in-person meetings with the reach of virtual platforms to offer attendees a seamless physical and online event experience. Live virtual events, on the other hand, replicate the dynamism and interactivity of in-person gatherings in an online-only format.

The rise of these event formats reflects a growing recognition that online events are here to stay. So, we put together this comprehensive guide about how to host a virtual event successfully. Let’s dive in!

The Many Benefits of Virtual Conferences

Virtual conferences and events have skyrocketed in popularity over the past few years. Initially born out of necessity during the pandemic, they have now evolved into strategic choices that businesses and individuals actively embrace.

But, what makes virtual conferences so great? Here are just a few of the reasons so many organizers are turning to virtual solutions for their events:

  • More Attendees: Every event organizer wants a full house, and virtual events make that a real possibility. Virtual venues can fit as many attendees as you want from all over the world, so space and geography are no longer a concern.
  • Reduced Cost for Organizers AND Attendees: Virtual events are far cheaper than in-person, as you save on expenses like venue, catering, and much more. Best of all, attendees can also save on travel costs, increasing their likelihood of registering.
  • Saves a Lot of Time: Rome wasn’t built in a day – neither are events. But, virtual events are significantly faster and simpler to plan. You don’t have to get caught up with time-consuming processes; you can focus on what matters: the technology, your content, and marketing.
  • Flexible, Flexible, Flexible: Virtual events offer much greater flexibility, empowering you to customize and scale them according to your preferences, all without much hassle.
  • Measurable Results and Impact: With online events, data like total registrations, average session length, and interaction levels are all readily available. So, you can easily evaluate your event’s impact while planning for  future events’ success. 

Still not convinced virtual events are the way to go? Here is a list of all the major benefits of virtual events and conferences and why they’re becoming a popular choice for hosting events.

Exploring Types of Virtual Events

Now that we know why virtual events are beneficial, we can break down the different types of virtual events. From virtual corporate events to online business networking, let’s explore 7 common virtual event types:

1. Virtual Networking Events

A virtual networking event gathers like-minded individuals in a virtual space to connect and build professional relationships. These events can be structured 1-on-1 speed networking or casual group discussions. Online networking events work for both business and social events, making them a versatile option for various use cases.

Planning to host online networking events? Check out our dedicate guide for hosting successful networking events online

2. Virtual Hiring Event / Virtual Job Fairs / Virtual Career Fairs

Virtual hiring events connect employers with prospective employees in a dynamic, online setting. This event format is gaining popularity, because employers benefit from a global talent pool whilst job seekers enjoy more job opportunities.

Hosting an online job fair? Here’s 10 best practices you should know about.

3. Virtual Corporate Events

These virtual events for companies play a vital role in enhancing company culture and offering professional development, especially for remote teams. Examples of popular corporate virtual events include virtual social events, online skill workshops, and virtual team building events.

Here’s everything you need to know about how to make your virtual corporate event engaging and successful

4. Virtual Fundraising Events

Charities and nonprofits are increasingly turning to virtual platforms for fundraising efforts. These events can be an online gala, a virtual auction, a concert online, or even a virtual telethon. Whichever form, virtual fundraisers are cost-effective ways to engage with donors whilst raising funds.

When planning a virtual fundraising event, be sure to take a look at our 5 must-haves for online fundraising success.

5. Virtual Conferences or Summits

An online conference or summit allows people to discuss trends, share knowledge, and network around a given topic. Online conferences and summits typically have keynote speakers, panel discussions, and interactive breakout sessions to provide a well-rounded learning experience.

Wondering what the agenda of a virtual conference or summit looks like? Check out our blog on “Crafting an Effective Virtual Conference Agenda” 

6. Webinars

At online webinars, attendees learn about a topic or skill from a presenter. Webinars are great cost-effective ways for businesses to generate leads, but to do so, you have to ensure your webinar is interactive and engaging

Dive into the details of planning and hosting a webinar with our focused step by step guide

7. Virtual Poster Sessions / Poster Presentations / Poster Halls

Virtual poster presentations enable researchers to share their research with a global audience. At an online poster session, attendees navigate between virtual booths to talk with presenters about their research and approaches.

For details on how to host a successful virtual poster hall, be sure to follow these 5 tips.

The type of virtual event shapes various planning decisions, like session types or the right virtual event platform. So, it’s important to understand what type of virtual event you aim to host. Remember, these are just 7 examples – you can explore a comprehensive list of virtual event types here!

Virtual Conference Best Practices: Key Principles for Success

Hosting virtual conferences or events involves more than just transferring in-person experiences online. To host a successful virtual event, strategic planning and attention to detail are key. So, here are 5 virtual events best practices to create an engaging online attendee experience:

  1. Strategic Planning and Clear Goal Setting: Effective virtual event planning requires clear, well-defined goals, using SMART principles, to guide strategy and measure success.
  2. Creating High-Quality, Relevant Content: Content is key in virtual conferences; it should be informative, relevant to the audience, and showcase the team's strengths.
  3. Audience Engagement and Interactivity Come First: Success in virtual conferences or events hinges on audience engagement; use interactive elements like live Q&As or polls to transform attendees into active participants.
  4. Ensuring a Smooth Technical Experience: The technical aspect of virtual conferences is critical; ensure a stable internet, noise-free setting, high-quality A/V, and conduct technical rehearsals for a seamless experience.
  5. Post-event Follow-up: Effective follow-up after the event, like thank you emails and content repurposing, reinforces connections and gathers feedback for future events.

Looking for more best practices? Check out our full list of best practices for hosting virtual events and conferences!

Setting Goals and a Budget for Your Virtual Conference

Wondering how to plan a virtual event? You’re not alone. Whether you're a seasoned virtual event planner or new to this, hosting a virtual event starts with a detailed virtual event strategy. 

This is not just a blueprint; it's the cornerstone of your online event planning that will shape every decision you make. Think of your events strategy as your guiding star in the vast sea of choices and challenges you'll navigate. A well-defined online event strategy paves the way for a successful online event. It comprises of three elements:

  1. Event Goal: This vital first step shapes the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of your online event.
  2. Understand Your Audience: This step is about gaining insight into your event’s target audience.
  3. Set Event Budget: Finally, consider and plan for how much your event will cost.

Want more details? Read this article on how to set goals and budget for your virtual conference or event.

Selecting the Right or Best Virtual Event Platform

Selecting the right virtual event platform is crucial to create a seamless and impactful virtual event experience. An online events platform is like the digital venue for your virtual event or online conference. So, this part of the event planning process is arguably one of the most important decisions you’ll make for your event. 

Not to worry though, this section will explore all the key criteria you should consider when choosing the best virtual event platform. It will also introduce five top options, ranging from comprehensive virtual conference software to specialized event hosting platforms, to get you started. This will allow you to take an in-depth look at the features and benefits of each virtual platform, helping you make an informed decision for your event.

Let’s get started with what you should look for in a top virtual conference platform.

Criteria for Choosing the Best Virtual Conference Platform

1. Event Requirements 

Selecting the right virtual event platform starts with understanding your event's needs. Consider expected attendance and session types to ensure a seamless experience. Match the platform's capacity and features with your event type, whether it's a small workshop or a large conference.

2. User Experience & Interface

A user-friendly experience is vital for both attendees and organizers. Ensure the platform offers intuitive navigation, simple login processes, and clear menus for attendees. Organizers should find it easy to set up and manage events with user-friendly dashboards and responsive support.

3. Interactive Features & Functionality

Engage your audience effectively with interactive features like polls, live chat, Q&A, and breakout rooms. Look for conference platforms offering a variety of interactive tools that add fun and liveliness to your event, enhancing attendee participation and making your event memorable. 

Check out our list of Remo’s top 35 interactive features to build engagement for your online event.

4. Support Services

Choose an events platform known for outstanding customer support. Responsive assistance, multiple support channels (chat, email, phone), and competent support teams are crucial for resolving technical issues promptly and ensuring a smooth event experience.

5. Customization Capabilities

Customize your virtual environment to reinforce brand identity. Look for online conference platforms offering options like color scheme customization, custom domains, or full branding of the virtual venue. Personalization creates a lasting impression on attendees and enhances engagement.

6. Reputation & Reviews

Consider both company-provided reviews and independent customer reviews when assessing a platform's credibility. Balance positive case studies with real user feedback from platforms like G2 or Capterra. A strong market reputation ensures you choose a reliable virtual event platform.

7. Price

Balance your budget and flexibility. Choose a virtual conference platform with flexible pricing plans that can scale as your event grows. Evaluate features against the cost to determine the best value. Utilize free trials or demos to assess functionality and user experience before committing.

8. Privacy & Security

Prioritize privacy and security. Ensure the virtual conference platform complies with international privacy laws, offers data encryption, secure payment processing, and access controls. Look for certifications like ISO 27001 or SOC II to demonstrate a commitment to data protection and privacy management.

9. Integration Capabilities

Consider integration capabilities for a seamless event ecosystem. Look for online event platforms with APIs or built-in integrations that sync data with CRM systems, marketing automation, and other tools. Integration enhances efficiency and opens new possibilities for event management.

For a more detailed look into these key criteria, take a look at our comprehensive article here.

The Best Virtual Event Platforms

With key criteria established to help you, you are now all set to start your own virtual event platform comparison. To help you get started, we’ve put together a list of the top virtual summit platforms available on the market today, check it out here!

Remember to assess each platform holistically – consider more than just their feature set, but also the support they offer, their reputation, and their pricing. Also, beyond building a virtual event platform comparison chart, make sure to leverage any free trials or demos the conference platform offers, so you can experience it first-hand. 

Designing the Event and Creating Event Agenda

With virtual conferences or events, the saying 'content is king' holds more truth than ever. While physical events draw people in with their atmosphere and extras, like food and booths, virtual conferences rely on the strength and appeal of their content. The topics you choose are pivotal in getting attendees to your event, but it's the delivery that keeps them glued to their screens.

Choosing content for your virtual event calls for a strategic balance of informative and engaging topics, guided by research on your target audience. Understanding their interests, needs, and challenges ensures your content resonates and attracts the right attendees.

It is equally as important to also consider the delivery of your content. Virtual settings pose unique challenges with maintaining attendee engagement. Online attendees are more prone to face screen fatigue or get distracted by things like sudden doorbells or continuous messages from a colleague. So, your virtual event agenda must counter these challenges with dynamic presentation styles and interactive elements to keep your audience focused on your content.

Key Components of a Winning Virtual Event Agenda

When it comes to driving registrations and maintaining audience engagement, the secret ingredient often lies in your virtual event agenda. But, crafting a winning virtual event agenda is more than just interesting topics; it’s equally about the delivery of those topics. A well-chosen topic paired with outstanding speakers can fall flat without engaging delivery. This section focuses on that very aspect: exploring key session formats found in virtual conferences. It’ll also provide tips for how to best integrate these sessions into your event agenda, so you can ensure your delivery will be both effective and memorable.

Understanding your target audience deeply influences the effectiveness of your agenda. Your audience’s interests and schedules will impact everything about your content, from its topics to session formats and timing. Whether its Keynote Sessions or Speed Networking, each format plays a pivotal role in captivating and retaining your audience. 

So, let’s dive into 4 of the top session formats used in virtual conferences:

Keynote Sessions: The Foundation of Your Virtual Conference

Keynote sessions are the stars of your virtual event, featuring expert speakers who set the tone and attract attendees. Choose speakers whose expertise matches your event's theme and resonates with your audience. Place keynotes strategically to maximize engagement, like opening for an inspiring start or closing for a lasting impression. A well-chosen keynote can greatly enhance your event's appeal.

Panel Discussions: Engaging Minds with Diverse Perspectives

Panel discussions bring together multiple speakers to offer diverse viewpoints on a topic. Compose panels with speakers from various backgrounds and ensure skilled moderation. Plan topics and questions in advance to keep discussions focused. Effective panel discussions offer a dynamic exchange of ideas, enriching your event.

Workshops: Interactive Learning in Virtual Spaces

Virtual workshops provide hands-on learning and interaction. Organize smaller groups to discuss topics or tasks. Workshops are most effective after a presentation, allowing deeper exploration. Experienced facilitators help maintain engagement. Keep groups small for meaningful contributions. Workshops turn theory into practice, fostering connections and learning.

Virtual Networking: Connecting Attendees in the Digital Realm

Online networking is crucial for attendee interaction and satisfaction. Offer various networking formats, like small group conversations, speed networking, or casual lounge areas. Use icebreakers and clear guidelines to ease participation. Position networking sessions strategically in your event agenda. Mixing networking formats enhances the attendee experience.

Considering adding networking opportunities to your event or conference? Here’s our 10 favorite ideas for how to incorporate networking at your event!

Tips for Designing an Engaging Event or Conference Agenda

Designing a virtual event agenda that captivates and engages is another important aspect of hosting virtual events that are successful. It's not just about listing sessions; it's about creating a virtual conference experience that's interactive and memorable. In this section, we’ll explore actionable tips for how to host a virtual conference or event that stands out through an engaging event agenda. These tips will guide you to create a virtual event agenda that resonates with attendees and enhances your event’s impact, no matter the event type.

  • Tip 1: Mastering Session Duration for Maximum Engagement

Session duration is crucial in balancing value and attention. Keynotes should last 30-60 minutes, allowing exploration of the topic and Q&A. Workshops span 30-90 minutes with short breaks. Panels need 45-60 minutes for a comprehensive discussion. Networking sessions aim for 20-30 minutes. Entertainment sessions vary, from 10 to 40 minutes. In general, all sessions should be 10-45 minutes to provide value without losing interest. Match duration with session type and audience preferences.

  • Tip 2: Strategic Arrangement of Virtual Sessions for Optimal Flow

Start with keynotes to attract and set the tone. Mix session types to keep engagement high, avoiding consecutive similar sessions. End with a memorable closing session, like a collaboration workshop or entertainment segment. Arrange sessions thoughtfully for continuous participation and a captivating event.

  • Tip 3: Incorporating Breaks for Sustained Attention

Plan regular short breaks (10-15 minutes) every 1.5 - 2 hours to refresh attendees. Include longer mid-event breaks (30-45 minutes) for all-day events. Add interactive activities during breaks to maintain engagement. Well-timed breaks improve attendee focus and participation.

  • Tip 4: Time Zone Consideration for Global Audience Inclusion

Schedule events at reasonable hours for global audiences. Adjust session durations for diverse time zones. Clearly communicate event times in the base time zone and provide tools for conversion. Share session recordings for attendees in inconvenient time zones. Ensure inclusivity and engagement for all.

  • Tip 5: Sharing the Agenda in Advance for Enhanced Engagement

Release the agenda early to boost registrations and attendance. A transparent agenda helps potential attendees see the conference's value. It enables personal scheduling and reminds attendees of upcoming sessions during the event. Use mobile event apps for easy access to agenda updates. Preparing attendees in advance enhances engagement and event success.

10 Innovative Virtual Event Ideas to Inspire You

In the world of virtual conferences and events, creativity is key to capturing and maintaining your audience’s attention. The best virtual event ideas not only align with the purpose of your gathering, but also with your audience’s interests. Whether you’re planning a fun virtual team event, a casual networking session, or a virtual fundraising event, the ideas you choose sets the expectation for the experience.

Below, we’ve compiled a list of innovative and fun virtual event ideas to get you started. These ideas feature a range of small activities to do during your event as well as longer activities that can take up a portion of your event agenda. 

Virtual Escape Room Challenge

Virtual escape rooms are a great virtual team event idea, as they are fun and help improve teamwork all in one. Participants work together to solve puzzles and escape a virtual room. This engaging format fosters collaboration and problem-solving skills, making it an ideal activity for a virtual team event.

Why a virtual escape room? Find out here!

Online Cooking Class

Host an online cooking class with a professional chef! Participants can follow along from their own kitchens, creating a meal while interacting with others. This is a great example of a virtual social event idea that combines learning a skill with fun. On the plus side, you can guarantee high attendance rates if you send out the ingredients as well.

Virtual Reality (VR) Networking Event

Leverage a virtual reality event platform to create an immersive networking experience. This virtual networking idea offers a new and exciting way for professionals to connect in a simulated environment. It pushes the envelope of standard virtual networking event ideas.

Virtual Talent Show

Organize an online talent show where participants showcase their skills. It's a fun way to engage attendees, and really involve them in the event. Best part, this virtual event activity works for all kinds of events – a virtual team event or even for larger groups like virtual events for college students.

Online Fitness Challenge or Small Exercise

A fitness challenge is a no brainer for any health-focused virtual conference or event. But, it can also be a fun activity to get your attendees out of their seats and warmed up at the beginning of any virtual event. Not to mention, this gives yet another opportunity for attendees to take part in a shared experience and form a genuine connection.

Online Art Workshop

An art workshop conducted virtually can be a therapeutic and creative outlet. Participants learn and create art together, guided by an artist, making it a great virtual social event idea. Remember, you can make your virtual art workshop as short or as long as you want.

Virtual Wine Tasting

Host a virtual wine tasting event with a sommelier. Attendees can learn about different wines while getting to taste new ones (just make sure your attendees are all adults!). This is a great sophisticated virtual event activity, but remember you would need a plan to send out the different wines ahead of your event.

Virtual Trivia Quiz/Game Show

Host an online trivia quiz or game show, where participants can form teams and compete. This activity is perfect for breaking the ice and adding an element of fun to virtual team events. Make sure to use an interactive virtual event platform though, so you can make use of their features to create a lively and engaging virtual event activity.

Enjoy Family Feud? Read our blog post here on how you can host an online family feud game show!

Interactive Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Organize a scavenger hunt where participants find items or complete tasks within their homes or offices. This fun virtual conference or event activity can even be themed (like a virtual Halloween hunt or an online Christmas gift search). Not only does this eliminate distractions and screen fatigue, it actively involves every attendee in a creative way.

Find out how to host a scavenger hunt online here!

Virtual Costume Contest

Infuse your virtual conference or event with excitement by organizing themed costume contests. Invite attendees to don their best costumes and present them during the event. A perfect activity for your virtual Halloween event for work or just a casual Tuesday. This virtual event idea adds a fun, unexpected twist to your event that offers a light-hearted way for attendees to interact and share a laugh. Not to mention, everyone loves a little competition (especially if it comes with prizes!).

Finding the perfect virtual event idea can be a challenge, but it's so important for hosting an event that's both memorable and engaging. Want more ideas for an interactive and engaging virtual event? Check out 7 more ideas over here!

If you're looking for some tailored ideas for your event, try our free AI Event Idea Generator. Whether you need virtual team event ideas, virtual networking event ideas, or something unique for a hiring event, the generator is a great starting point to spark creativity and inspiration for your next online event.

How to Increase Virtual Conference Audience Engagement

Attendee engagement is the lifeblood of any event, but importance is magnified in virtual settings. In the world of virtual conferences, the battle for attendee attention is always an ongoing challenge. Everyday distractions, from the sudden ring of a doorbell to the ping of a notification or just a really good TV show, are always there. So with all these distractions, how can you ensure your audience remains engaged and interactive? This section will explore effective strategies and innovative tools to keep your virtual conference attendees actively involved and connected throughout your event.

14 Ideas to Boost Engagement and Interaction at Virtual Conferences

Boost attendee engagement at your virtual events with these 14 innovative strategies and ideas. From interactive polls to live entertainment, these ideas will make your virtual event the hit no one can stop talking about (in a good way, of course!)

  • Use Interactive Polls, Surveys, and Quizzes: Integrate polls and surveys to gather real-time feedback and add fun to sessions. Make them relevant for higher participation and valuable data collection.
  • Host Q&A Sessions or AMA Sessions: Allocate time for Q&A to connect attendees with speakers. Efficiently manage questions for a focused and engaging experience.
  • Encourage the Use of Chat during the Event: Maximize live chat for networking and connections. Actively engage attendees to foster a sense of community.
  • Leverage Breakout Rooms or Small Group Conversations: Create breakout rooms for meaningful discussions. Assign topics or icebreakers to guide interactions and build connections.
  • Add Gamification Elements: Introduce points, leaderboards, or badges for interactive challenges. Reinforce event messages and motivate participation.
  • Play Some Games. Literally: Incorporate games like Charades or trivia for fun and interaction. Break the ice and keep attendees engaged.
  • Schedule Some Interactive Workshops: Host hands-on workshops for active learning. Design activities related to the event's topic for a memorable experience.
  • Integrate Social Media Elements: Encourage attendees to share using event-specific hashtags. Create social media challenges for engagement and reach.
  • Incorporate AR/VR Experiences: Use AR or VR to offer immersive sessions. Stand out and capture audience attention with cutting-edge technology.
  • Provide Themed or Customizable Virtual Backgrounds: Offer themed backgrounds for personalization. Enhance the visual appeal of your virtual space.
  • Support Virtual Photo Booths: Set up photo booths for fun snapshots. Encourage sharing on social media to increase event visibility.
  • Host Live Entertainment or Performances: Schedule live music or magic shows for breaks. Add excitement and build community among attendees.
  • Gift Virtual Swag Bags: Send digital or physical swag to attendees. Enhance the experience and provide branding opportunities.
  • Organize a Virtual Fitness Break: Include fitness or wellness activities to re-energize attendees. Break the event agenda with short, accessible exercises.

Looking for more ideas? Here’s 23 ways for you to create highly engaged virtual conferences.

What are the Best Interactive Features for Enhanced Engagement in a Virtual Platform

Interactive features are at the heart of a successful virtual conference or event. They are powerful tools used to transform a standard viewing experience into an immersive and dynamic opportunity for participation. In the realm of virtual events, where the battle for audience attention is constant, seamlessly integrating interactive elements is crucial. So, here’s a list of the best interactive features available on event platforms that can elevate your virtual event and make it truly memorable. 

The Best Engagement Virtual Conference Tools and Technologies Available

Since captivating your audience is a must-have for any virtual event or conference, it’s an important decision when considering bringing in 3rd party tools to help you do that. We’re not saying you shouldn’t, in fact, we’re big supporters of layering other virtual event technology on top of your conference platform to ensure even greater engagement. But, it’s no secret that not all engagement tools will be a hit, so picking the right virtual event tool is important.

From polling tools, like Slido, to gamification tools, like Ahaslides, here is a list of our favorite virtual event engagement tools. By strategically combining these virtual event technologies with your online event platform, you're not just organizing an event; you're creating an immersive and unforgettable virtual experience.

Virtual Event Marketing Strategies: Get a Full House of Registrations & Attendees

As virtual conferences and events become increasingly popular, understanding virtual event marketing is crucial for successful online engagement. Key components of virtual event marketing include leveraging digital platforms, email marketing, and social media promotion to reach a wide audience. Unlike traditional event marketing, virtual event marketing requires unique strategies to create a compelling online presence and drive registrations.

Define your Event Goals and Metrics for Your Virtual Event Marketing Strategy

Importance of Setting Clear, Measurable Goals for Event Marketing

Embarking on a virtual conference journey without clear, measurable goals is like sailing without a compass. Setting goals is vital to strategize your event's success path. Not only do they provide a clear direction for your event marketing plan, but they also offer a benchmark against which you can measure your online conference's success.

Measurable goals also help in optimizing your marketing efforts. By tracking the right metrics, you can understand your audience better, refine your strategies, and enhance the overall attendee experience. Remember, in the digital realm, data is king. Utilize it to steer your conference towards unparalleled success.

Examples of Common Marketing Objectives

When it comes to virtual event marketing, objectives can vary depending on the nature and scope of your event. However, some common marketing objectives include:

  1. Registration Numbers: A vital indicator of marketing success. Aim for a realistic yet ambitious target based on audience size and event capacity.
  2. Engagement Metrics: Key to measuring attendee interest. Focus on tracking session attendance, poll participation, and social media interactions.
  3. Conversion Rate: Essential for evaluating the success of converting registrants to attendees. Analyze to understand communication effectiveness and identify drop-off points.
  4. Post-Event Engagement: Keep the connection alive post-event. Encourage attendees to engage with your brand through newsletters, social media, or surveys, in order to build a long-term audience.

Defining and tailoring to your target audience

Importance of Audience-Centric Marketing

In virtual event marketing, knowing your audience and their preferences is crucial, just like selecting the right food for a party. Audience-centric marketing focuses on catering to potential attendees' likes, dislikes, and interests. When your event aligns with their preferences, they're more likely to engage and promote it.

Research Techniques Including Surveys and Competitor Analysis

To understand your audience, start with surveys to gather insights into their preferences and expectations. It's more than data collection; it's engaging in a dialogue. Additionally, analyze competitors to learn from their successes and failures. This approach helps in crafting a more appealing and effective marketing event strategy.

Read more about the how you can identify your target audience here

Marketing Budget: The Key to a Full House at Virtual Conferences

When organizing a virtual conference or event, crafting an effective marketing budget is pivotal. It's not just about allocating funds; it’s about strategically distributing your resources to maximize registrations and attendee engagement.

  • Understand Your Audience: Use your audience research to guide how you allocate budget to the right channels – be it social media advertising, email marketing, or search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Invest in the Right Platforms: Not all platforms yield the same results. For instance, LinkedIn might be more effective for B2B events, while Instagram could be better for consumer-oriented gatherings. Allocate your budget based on the platforms where your target audience spends most of their time.
  • Balance Between Paid and Organic Strategies: While paid advertising can give you a quick boost, organic reach builds lasting relationships. Balance your budget between pay-per-click campaigns, content marketing, and SEO efforts to ensure a sustained impact.

The Importance of the Funnel and Touch Points

The Event Attendance Funnel to Guide Your Virtual Event Marketing Strategies

When it comes to virtual event marketing, understanding the event attendance funnel is crucial. This funnel includes distinct stages: Awareness, Interest, Consideration, Register, and Attendance. Each stage plays a pivotal role in transforming a curious onlooker into an engaged attendee.

  1. Awareness: At the awareness stage, your goal is to get your event or conference in front of potential attendees. It's all about visibility. Utilize social media, email marketing, and SEO strategies to cast a wide net. Remember, this is the first step in a journey, so make it count!
  2. Interest: Once you've got their attention, it’s time to spark interest. Here, engaging content is your best friend. Share teasers, exciting event highlights, or speaker introductions. Keep it fresh and engaging to nudge them towards the next stage.
  3. Consideration: In the consideration phase, potential attendees are weighing their options. This is your chance to stand out. Highlight what makes your event or conference unique, offer testimonials, and showcase the value of attending. Personalized email campaigns can be particularly effective here.
  4. Register: Now, they're almost there. To convert interest into a registration, simplify the process. Ensure your website is user-friendly and the registration process is a breeze. Incentives like early bird discounts or exclusive content can be powerful motivators.
  5. Attendance: Registration doesn’t guarantee attendance. Keep the momentum going with regular updates, interactive content, and reminders. Build anticipation, so when the event day comes, your attendees are excited and ready.

The Power of Touch points

An essential aspect of this funnel is touchpoints. On average, a potential attendee needs 15-20 touch points before registering. These could be reminder emails, social media interactions, LinkedIn followup messages or ads. But the journey doesn’t end there. Another 7-10 touchpoints are crucial between registration and the event to ensure they attend. Each interaction should add value and keep them engaged with your event.

Marketing Channels for Virtual Conference Promotion

How to Make a Highly Converting Event Website

Creating a killer event landing page is like baking the perfect cake – it's all about the right ingredients and the way you mix them!

Key Elements of a High-Converting Event Landing Page

First things first, let's talk about what makes a landing page not just good, but great. Think of your event landing page as your event's digital handshake – it's the first and potentially the most crucial interaction you'll have with your attendees.

Here are the must-haves:

  1. Eye-Catching Headlines: Grab attention with a headline that pops. Make it snappy, clear, and about the benefits of your event.
  2. Engaging Visuals: A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Use high-quality images or videos that give a taste of the event experience.
  3. Irresistible Offers: What's special about your event? Highlight key speakers, unique content, or exclusive experiences. Most importantly answer what does the attendee get out of it and what pain point does your event solve?
  4. Testimonials: Social proof can be a game changer. Include quotes from previous attendees or industry experts on your event website.
Importance of Clear CTAs and User-Friendly Design

Now, let's put the spotlight on CTAs (Call To Actions). Your CTA is like a signpost, guiding visitors to take the next step. Whether it's 'Register Now', 'Learn More', or 'Get Early Access', make sure your CTAs are impossible to miss and easy to click.

A user-friendly design is like a friendly tour guide – it makes the journey enjoyable and easy. Ensure your event website is easy to navigate, loads fast, and looks great on all devices. Remember, a frustrated user is a lost attendee.

Highlight the Importance of SEO for Your Event Page

Last but not least, let's talk about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). It's the secret sauce to making your virtual conference more discoverable online. Use strategic keywords related to your online event on social media – think about what your potential attendees are searching for. Include these keywords in your headlines, subheadings, and throughout your content.

Remember, SEO for your event website isn’t just about being found, it's about being found by the right people. Use words that your audience uses, and you'll be speaking their language. To find keywords, use free SEO tools like:

  1. Wordstream free Keyword toolo
  2. ChatGPT or Bing AI or Bard
  3. Ahrefs Free Keyword Generator

Click here for more details on how to create highly effective landing pages for your event.

How to Use Email Marketing to Promote Events

Effective email marketing can significantly boost virtual conference attendance. This strategy hinges on crafting engaging promotion emails and segmenting your email list for maximum impact.

What makes a compelling email:

  • Starts with an attention-grabbing subject line, such as “Unlock the Secrets of Digital Marketing - Reserve Your Spot Now!”
  • Is personalized; it addresses recipients by name and aligns the content with their interests. 
  • The message is clear, concise, and at a 7th-grade reading level to ensure it's accessible and engaging.
  • It is a clean design with high-quality images and consistent brand colors so your message and brand is remembered.

Segmenting your email list is equally crucial for targeted communication. Tailor messages based on demographics, past behaviors, engagement levels, and interests. This approach ensures your emails resonate with the right audience, transforming readers into event attendees. By blending these tactics, your email marketing won't just reach inboxes; it will captivate and convert.

How to Use Social Media Marketing for Virtual Conference Promotion

In today's digital age, social media is a powerhouse in driving event promotion and engagement. Whether you're an event organizer or a marketer, mastering the art of social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter can skyrocket your event's success. Just stick to 1-3 platforms though, don’t overwhelm your team resources by dispersing them across so many different channels. 

Putting together a social media strategy for your events? Check out our tips here for embedding social media throughout your entire event lifecycle

Different Types of Social Media Posts

There are so many different types of social posts you can create for events. The more varied they are; the more your audience can engage and you can differentiate from the crowd. Here are some examples:

A list of types of social media posts organizers can make before, during and after a virtual event
Credit Julius Solaris

Use the Power of Event Directories to Find New Audiences

These virtual platforms play a crucial role in the success of your events by connecting you with potential attendees and helping you stand out in the crowded online landscape.

These are just an introduction of a few ways to market your upcoming online event. Check out this detailed article for 10 ways to promote your virtual event and boost attendance.

How to Run a Successful Virtual Conference that People Want to Attend

Virtual conferences and events have become increasingly popular as organizations embrace the full range of benefits they provide, even post-pandemic. Successful execution of a virtual conference requires careful planning and understanding of best practices to ensure a seamless experience for the attendees. Here are some essential tips for hosting a virtual event successfully.

Technical Setup and Execution: Ensuring a Smooth Event

Detailed Technical Checklist: Bandwidth Requirements, Platform Setup, Backup Plans

Before hosting a virtual event or conference, it's crucial to conduct a detailed technical assessment. Consider the bandwidth requirements for seamless streaming and ensure the platform setup is tailored to the event's needs. Additionally, having backup plans in place for technical issues is essential to guarantee a smooth execution.

Running the Virtual Conference

Real-time Event Management: Moderating, Transitioning Between Segments

Real-time event management involves the organization, coordination, and execution of virtual events as they happen. This includes managing technical aspects such as audio and video quality, troubleshooting any technical issues that arise, and ensuring that the event runs smoothly from start to finish.

Effective moderating is also essential for keeping the event on track and engaging for attendees. A skilled moderator can help guide the flow of the event, keep the audience engaged, and facilitate smooth transitions between different segments or speakers. Seamless transitions between event segments are crucial for maintaining attendee engagement and keeping the event running smoothly. This can include transitioning between different speakers, presentations, or interactive elements such as Q&A sessions or polls.

Dealing with Common Technical Issues

Dealing with common technical issues is an inevitable part of managing any virtual event. There will always be a small percentage of people who encounter technical problems, whether it's a connection issue, a browser compatibility problem, or a device malfunction. The key to handling these issues effectively is to be prepared. This means leveraging help docs and resources to address common technical problems, such as providing clear instructions for troubleshooting. Additionally, having a chat function available during the virtual conference can offer real-time support for attendees facing technical difficulties. It's also important to have a phone available for attendees to call in case they need immediate assistance. Pre-event tech checks can help identify potential issues in advance, while allowing for proactive solutions. Lastly, it's essential to communicate any technical issues to the event platform so they can address them and prevent similar problems in the future.

Using Virtual Event Production Companies or Virtual Events Services

When to Consider Professional Event Production Services

For complex or high-stakes virtual conferences, it can be very beneficial to consider hiring a professional virtual event production company. Expert assistance can ensure a flawless execution, especially for large-scale online conferences.

Selection Criteria for Service Providers

When opting for virtual event production services, it's essential to carefully consider the selection criteria for service providers. Factors such as experience, technical capabilities, and customer support should be evaluated to make an informed decision.

For more information on when to consider virtual event services, and how to select the right agency for your event, check out our detailed article here.

If you’re ready to jump straight in with a virtual events agency, here’s a list of some of our top virtual event production companies to get you started. 

Post-Event Analysis and Engagement

After your virtual conference, it's crucial to engage in a post-event strategy. This involves analyzing what resonated with your audience and what didn't, and using this insight to prepare for future events. It's key to maintain engagement through effective communication and reusing content. 

Post-Event Analysis: Measuring Your Event's Impact

Measuring your conference's impact isn't just a box to tick off; it's an essential part of understanding how successful your virtual conference actually was. Skipping this step is like shooting arrows in the dark – you miss learning what works, what doesn't, and how to hit the bullseye next time. Fortunately, virtual event platforms make this much simpler to do with their built-in analytics features.

How do you measure conference success? You start by looking back to your event goal - whatever it was. Then, choose secondary metrics that align with your event’s primary goal. For example, if your goal was to increase leads, look at metrics like number of new leads, pipeline velocity, and conversion rate. Alternatively, for networking-related goals, you’d be focused more on connections made, average conversation duration, and contact exchanges. 

Let’s get started with an exploration of 10 common key performance indicators (KPI’s) for events, so you can select the right ones to track:

Attendance Rate: Measuring Event Magnetism

Discover the real appeal of your conference with its Attendance Rate. It’s a simple yet powerful metric – the percentage of guests who registered for your virtual conference that actually attended:

Attendance Rate Calculation is: (number of attendees/number of registrations)*100%

This metric shows how well you and your content have managed to convert interested registrants into real participants. Remember, it's not just about the number who sign up; the real success is seen in those who actually attend. 

Registration Conversion Rates: Measuring Sign-up Success

Registration conversion rates are the heartbeat of your virtual conference's success. In simple terms, the registration conversion rate measures the percentage of people who take the leap from merely checking out your event landing page to hitting that coveted "Register Now" button. 

Attendance Rate Calculation is: (number of registrations/number of unique landing page visits)*100%

A high conversion rate is like a high-five from the marketing gods. It shows that your event content and marketing is hitting the bullseye. On the flip side, a low conversion rate suggests there’s something amiss—either your content isn't resonating or you're targeting the wrong audience. 

Want to delve deeper into creating a high converting event landing page? Click here to learn more about the secret ingredients that make your page irresistible.

Attendee Engagement: Measuring Interaction

Engagement metrics reveal audience involvement in your virtual conference, including session duration, poll responses, and questions asked. They help assess if content resonated with attendees. High engagement suggests effective sessions, while low engagement highlights areas for improvement. Monitoring these metrics is crucial for enhancing future virtual conferences and maintaining audience connection.

Networking Success: Measuring Connections

Networking Success metrics gauge social interaction at virtual conferences, tracking connections, message exchanges, and audio-visual usage. High usage indicates a platform's effectiveness and successful attendee interactions. For example, Remo reports an impressive average of 91% of users actively using microphones and cameras at events. These metrics are crucial for assessing and enhancing the networking aspect of your virtual events, ensuring they facilitate genuine connections and conversations.

Content Engagement: Measuring Audience Interest

Content engagement metrics offer insights into how well your audience resonated with your event's content. They track live attendance, chat activity, reactions, and questions asked, providing a clear picture of audience interest. Analyzing these metrics guides future virtual conference planning, ensuring content aligns with audience preferences and helps in selecting content for repurposing, maximizing event value.

Remo Tip: As a best practice, you should always examine these metrics on a per-session basis. This way you can expertly identify which sessions or speakers truly captured your audience’s attention, and which did not.

Curious about how to repurpose virtual conference content effectively? Click here to dive deeper into this topic.

Attendee Satisfaction: Measuring Virtual Conference Joy

Measuring attendee satisfaction through metrics like Net Promoter Score and feedback surveys is essential for virtual events. Conducting surveys during and after the virtual conference, especially using platform-integrated tools, helps gauge satisfaction effectively. This data shapes future event strategies and identifies engaged attendees for ongoing involvement.

Remo Tip: Some virtual event platforms offer easy ways to embed your survey within the virtual event experience to make collecting data a breeze during and after your event. For instance, Remo offers both native guest experience surveys for mid-event attendee satisfaction surveying, as well as content blocks for post-event surveys.

Lead Generation: Measuring Prospects

Measuring the number of new leads generated are essential for events or conferences focused on sales and marketing. These measure the event's ability to attract and convert potential quality leads, crucial for evaluating return on investment and sales opportunities. Tracking lead origins, such as through registration forms or demos, ensures accurate attribution to your virtual conference. These metrics demonstrate the event's monetary value in driving revenue, which are important for stakeholders.

Remo Tip: Identify top leads from your lead generation metrics and analyze their engagement details, like survey answers and chats. Use these insights to craft highly targeted nurture campaigns for similar future leads, increasing your chances of closing deals more quickly and effectively.

Social Media Buzz: Measuring Online Impact

Social media metrics gauge your conferece's online popularity, tracking interactions with event-related posts, likes, shares, mentions, and attendee or speaker posts. They also measure follower growth and web traffic increases. These metrics reveal your event's reach and effectiveness in boosting brand awareness, which are essential for showcasing its digital impact.

ROI: Measuring Event Value

Return on Investment (ROI) is critical for evaluating virtual conferences, including both Company and Sponsor ROI. Company ROI assesses the financial return from hosting the event, considering revenue versus costs, essential for justifying the event's value to stakeholders. Sponsor ROI evaluates the benefits sponsors receive, tracked through metrics like click rates and interactions. These are crucial for demonstrating value to current sponsors and for securing future sponsors.

Remo Tip: Look for a virtual event platform equipped with in-built sponsorship metrics, making reporting and tracking sponsor ROI easy.

How to Create Effective Virtual Conference Surveys

Event surveys are crucial for understanding attendee impact and improving virtual conferences and events. They provide deep insights into attendee preferences and areas for improvement. This section will guide you in creating effective surveys and analyzing their results to enhance the quality of future events. Let's explore how to make your virtual conferences exceptional using these insights.

Why is a Post-Event Survey Important

Success in the world of virtual conferences and events isn't just about logistics and content anymore—it's about ensuring your attendees have a good time. A significant 85% of marketers consider attendee satisfaction a critical factor in defining the success of virtual conferences. But, how do you actually measure attendee satisfaction? That’s where event surveys come in.

Virtual event surveys are not mere formalities; they are your gateway to the thoughts, opinions, and insights of your attendees. They empower you to transform feedback into actionable strategies to guarantee future attendee satisfaction. A staggering 90% of virtual event organizers utilize surveys to gauge attendee satisfaction, according to industry data. This widespread adoption underscores the undeniable value of these surveys in defining event success and shaping future virtual conferences.

Crafting Effective Post Virtual Event Survey Questions

Now that we know why virtual event surveys are so important, let’s move on to how to use them effectively. We’ve gathered our top 5 tips for creating survey questions that yield valuable insights:

  1. Be Specific: Use precise language in your survey questions to evaluate specific aspects. For example, ask "What aspects of the conference did you find most enjoyable?" instead of just "Did you enjoy the conference?".
  1. Keep It Short: Aim for 5 to 10 questions to ensure a concise and easily completed survey.
  1. Use Different Formats: Mix question types, like Net Promoter Score (NPS), multiple-choice, and a few open-ended questions for comprehensive and holistic feedback.
  1. Timing Matters: Send the survey 24 to 48 hours after the event to capture fresh but not rushed feedback.
  1. Offer Incentives: Consider small incentives like future event discounts or prizes to boost response rates but ensure they balance with the feedback's value (don’t overspend if it’s not worth it for you!).

What to ask in a Post Virtual Event Survey?

Now that we’ve covered some general tips for creating your virtual event survey, here’s 3 examples of post virtual event survey questions for attendees:

  • Question 1: Overall, how would you rate the event?
An NPS (0-10 scale) Question for "Overall, how would you rate the event"

This NPS question provides a straightforward way to measure overall attendee satisfaction. It offers a quantitative measure that can be tracked over time to assess event improvements, if you plan to run a series of virtual conferences.

  • Question 2: Please select your most enjoyable part of the conference?
A multiple-choice questions for "Please select your most enjoyable part of the event?"with 5 multiple choice answers for specific arts of an event

This multiple-choice question helps you identify which specific part of your conference resonated most with attendees. So, you can replicate those and brainstorm new activities that build on ones attendees found enjoyable.

  • Question 3: Is there anything you would change about this conference?
An open-ended questions for "Is there anything you would change about this event?"

No one enjoys critical feedback, but often that’s the most important feedback you can get. By keeping this question open-ended, attendees are encouraged to express their own thoughts and provide detailed feedback.

Want more survey question examples? Explore a comprehensive list of post virtual event survey questions for attendees in our detailed blog post.

Analyzing Survey Results: Unveiling Insights from Attendees

Gathering responses from your virtual event survey is just the first step to improving your event; the real magic happens when you translate that feedback into actionable insights. Here's some tips on how to interpret survey data effectively and extract the pearls of wisdom hidden within.

1. Look for Trends and Patterns: Start by analyzing the data for recurring themes, trends, or patterns. Are there common sentiments expressed by attendees? Identifying these can highlight areas of success and areas in need of improvement.

2. Compare with Benchmark Data: Benchmarking your survey results against past event data or industry standards can provide valuable context, if you have it available. It helps you understand whether your event outperformed past events or if there are areas where you lag behind industry norms.

3. Consider Qualitative and Quantitative Data: Quantitative data provides numerical insights, while qualitative data offers rich, detailed feedback from attendees – both are equally important to consider.

4. Dive into Demographics: Segment your survey data based on attendee demographics (e.g., age, job role, industry). This segmentation can reveal variations in feedback based on different attendee profiles, and may help improve your targeting for next time.

5. Seek Actionable Insights: Remember, the ultimate goal of survey analysis is to extract actionable insights. Identify specific recommendations or changes you can make based on the data, and let these guide your virtual event strategy. But how do you do that? Take a look here!

Remo Tip: No one said you have to analyze data on your own – leverage data analysis tools and software, like Excel, Google Sheets, ChatGPT or more specialized survey analysis software.

Maintaining Momentum: Post-Event Communication Strategies

Post-event communication makes up the final element of a well-rounded post-event strategy. It is all about maintaining the momentum of your event through ongoing engagement with your attendees even after the virtual conference ends. 

In this section, we’ll cover examples of common post-event communication types as well as quick tips for how to ensure great post-event communication. 

8 Creative Types of Post-Event Communication

For virtual conferences and events, in particular, post-event communication is your gateway to sustaining the momentum that your event generated. To ensure your attendees remain captivated, and excited about future events, explore these eight creative types of post-event communication possible:

  1. Thank You Emails
  2. Sorry We Missed You Emails
  3. Post-Event Page
  4. Feedback Surveys
  5. Social Media Posts
  6. Personalized Follow-up
  7. Drip Event Content
  8. Invite to Future Events

With these 8 types of post-event communication, you are well equipped to guarantee your online conference continues to resonate long after the curtains close. One last tip – diversify your post-event communication efforts and potential reach by implementing a mix of these strategies. Check out our article here for details on each of these post-event communication types and how you can use them at your next conference.

What Makes For Great Post-Event Communication

How can you ensure you get the most value out of your post-event messages? Keep in mind, effective post-event communication is the key to sustaining attendee engagement and nurturing valuable long-term relationships. Discover three strategies that can take your post-event communication from just alright to effective:

  1. Timely Follow-Up: Attendees are most engaged and eager to reconnect immediately (and up to 48 hours) after the event. Sending prompt follow-ups shows your commitment and keeps the conference and your brand fresh in their minds.
  2. Space Your Follow-Up: While quick follow-ups are essential, it's equally crucial not to overwhelm your attendees. Instead of bombarding them with all your content at once, space your post-event communication over several weeks or months. This approach ensures constant engagement with your brand without leaving a negative impression of it.
  3. Personalization: Tailor your post-event messages, particularly emails, to each attendee's interests, interactions, and preferences. Use data collected during the event to customize your content and recommendations. Personalization makes your communication more relevant and increases the likelihood of continued engagement and eventual conversion.

Not sure what to include in your post-event communication? Here’s a list of 6 creative ways to repurpose your virtual conference content.

The Future of Virtual Event Hosting: 2024 Virtual Event Trends

As the virtual conference and event landscape continues to evolve, flexibility is your greatest ally. It's not about keeping up; it's about embracing the continuous flow of innovation and transformation. The future of virtual event hosting is filled with opportunities for those who embrace change and remain dedicated to providing exceptional experiences, like you. 

To help, let's explore the promising trends and cutting-edge technologies that are shaping the bright and sustained future of virtual conference hosting in 2024.

1. Enhanced Interaction Tools for Meaningful Connections in 2024

In the coming year, event hosts are embracing a new era of virtual networking, focusing on fostering genuine connections through innovative tools and strategies. The goal is to create planned serendipity, where attendees can connect meaningfully during online gatherings. Emerging technologies such as AI matchmaking, virtual networking lounges, and interactive platforms designed to mimic real-life interactions are at the forefront of this revolution.

These advancements address a longstanding challenge of virtual conferences—creating valuable networking opportunities. A few examples of these enhanced interaction formats include:

  • Connecting Based on Focused Topics: Attendees can join topic-based breakout sessions and roundtables, enabling them to connect with like-minded individuals who share a specific interest.
  • Smart Matchmaking: Innovative tools will match attendees with similar interests together, enhancing their networking experience and increasing the chances of more meaningful connections made.
  • Simplified 1:1 Networking: Seamless 1:1 networking experiences are facilitated through chat, meeting schedulers, and contact exchange tools, ensuring that every encounter counts.

The result? A more engaging, interactive, and valuable virtual event experience where attendees can truly connect and exchange ideas.

2. The Continuing Rise of Hybrid Events: Blending the Best of Both Worlds

The trend of hybrid events continues to gain momentum this year, building on the successes of the previous year. These events seamlessly combine in-person and virtual components, offering the flexibility and reach of virtual conferences while preserving the invaluable personal interactions of physical gatherings. 

The future of hybrid events promises even more advanced integration between live and digital experiences, creating an engaging and interactive event environment that brings together the best of both worlds.

For more tips and best practices when it comes to planning hybrid events, check out our detailed guide here.

3. Event Content: The New Revenue Driver for Businesses in 2024

In the year ahead, businesses are poised to unlock the full potential of event content as a powerful and important source of revenue. Here’s how event organizers, like yourself, can gear up to make the most of this opportunity:

  • Harness AI-powered tools: Leverage AI tools to create and repurpose engaging presentations and virtual conference content quickly and easily. These tools also ensure that content remains fresh and tailored to the audience.
  • Integrate Ecommerce into Events: Seamless ecommerce integration will take center stage, with event platforms offering features like product listings, shopping carts, and order submissions. Attendees can easily explore and make purchases directly within the event space. 
  • Lead Generation and Conversion: Dedicated event platforms will play a pivotal role in lead generation and conversion, enabling meaningful connections and ensuring a robust return on investment for event owners.

4. AI Personalization: Tailored Virtual Conference Experiences

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will take the spotlight, transforming traditional virtual event experiences into highly personalized event journeys in 2024. AI-driven algorithms will provide attendees with customized content recommendations and targeted networking opportunities, ensuring they make the most of every virtual conference moment.

The impact is twofold. Beyond attendee benefits, event organizers will also gain valuable insights into attendee behaviors and preferences, guiding future virtual events planning. Additionally, event organizers can leverage AI-powered tools to speed up event planning whilst ensuring recommendations are still highly personalized to their conference and needs. For example, Remo released a set of AI-powered event planning tools that generate tailored-for-you Event Names, Event Ideas, and Icebreaker Questions – for free!

5. Immersive Environments: Elevating Virtual Event Engagement

In 2024, virtual conferences and organizers are embracing immersive environments with open arms. These cutting-edge spaces, powered by advanced graphics, augmented reality (AR), or virtual reality (VR), transport attendees to captivating 3D realms. Forget the confines of 2D web interfaces; immersive environments create interactive experiences that leave a lasting impact.

The impact of this trend is profound. Attendees find themselves more deeply engaged and captivated than ever before. These environments offer unique experiences, from realistic virtual conference halls to branded fantasy worlds, making each event truly memorable and shareable. Moreover, networking and social interactions become more intuitive, mirroring real-life connections. Immersive environments are redefining virtual events, promising a future where engagement knows no bounds.

There we go – 5 virtual event trends to look out for in 2024. If you’re hungry for more, don’t forget to check out our dedicated blog article on the future of virtual event hosting.

Ready to Host a Virtual Conference or Event?

Fantastic! We trust that this comprehensive guide gives you all the knowledge you need to start planning and hosting a virtual event.

When you’re ready to turn your vision into a remarkable virtual conference or event, we’d love to show you what Remo can do. Book a demo with us today, and let’s bring your virtual conference to life!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Virtual Event or Virtual Conference?

A virtual conference or event is a digital gathering where participants engage, interact, and exchange information, replicating the experience of an in-person event using online platforms. From online networking events to virtual corporate gatherings, there are many different types of virtual events possible. Check out our exhaustive list to explore all the possible virtual event types here

How to Host a Virtual Event or Conference?

Hosting a virtual event involves planning content, selecting the right platform to host it, marketing it effectively, and running engaging sessions for attendees. For specific strategies and tips, you should check out our detailed blog post on the best practices for hosting virtual events.

How to Host a Virtual Networking Event?

To host a virtual networking event successfully, use features like breakout rooms, icebreakers, and interactive sessions to encourage meaningful connections among participants. If you’re planning to host an online networking event, be sure to check out our specific guide here for everything you need to know.

How to Plan a Virtual Event or Virtual Conference?

Plan your virtual conference or event by defining clear goals, identifying your target audience, setting a budget, curating content, and selecting speakers to ensure a seamless experience. Not to worry, we’ve condensed everything about planning a virtual event into this handy checklist for you to use.

How to Run a Virtual Event or Conference?

Running a virtual conference or event involves thorough testing of technology, proactive session moderation, and fostering attendee engagement through interactive elements. For tips and best practices, check our detailed article here on how to maximize success with virtual event production.

How to Make Virtual Events and Virtual Conferences More Engaging?

Enhance virtual event engagement with interactive features, such as polls, breakout sessions, and emoji reactions, with immersive event formats, like roundtables, workshops, and live Q&A sessions. Remember to ensure your virtual event platform has a wide range of interactive features available, and can support a variety of event formats.

For more ideas, take a look at these 23 ways to make your virtual event more engaging.

How to Promote a Virtual Event?

Promote your virtual conference through a multi-channel approach, including email marketing, social media, event landing page, and leveraging your existing network to reach a wider audience. If you’re looking for some inspiration, here’s our detailed guide on maximizing success with your virtual events marketing strategy.

How to Survey Virtual Event Attendees?

Collect valuable feedback from virtual event attendees through post-event surveys to gain insights into their experiences and areas for improvement. You can use survey tools, or your virtual event platform to survey attendees. When thinking about your post-event survey, consider these 10 must-ask questions for the best insights.

How much does a Virtual Event Cost?

The cost of a virtual conference or event varies depending on factors like platform choice, event complexity, speakers chosen, and customization. Look for a platform that offers flexible pricing and offers a variety of virtual event services as add-ons for the best deal.

Why Host a Virtual Conference or Event?

Considering hosting a virtual event or online conference, here’s just a few reasons why you should: global reach, reduced costs, improved accessibility, and the ability to scale your events to a wider audience. The benefits of virtual conferences are extensive, and we’ve got them all listed here. So, check it out for a deeper look into why virtual events are the future of gatherings.

What is the Best Platform for Hosting Virtual Events and Virtual Conferences?

There are many impressive online event platforms available in the market today, each with their own unique advantages and specialties. Selecting the best platform for hosting virtual conferences depends on your specific event needs, but here’s a few considerations for you to think about

Be sure to consider your priorities and thoroughly research the options available to you – make sure to look through customer reviews, and use free trials or demos when available to ensure a comprehensive review.

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